Hair Suppliers


I purchased your eBook on, “How to Sell Hair Extensions.” I was hoping to find suppliers. In the back of the book you said email if you need suppliers. Please send any reputable suppliers we may consider establishing a relationship with.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Answer: We have contact with a number of hair suppliers, located in Donor Countries and in for example the USA and UK. Based upon the type of hair your clients are in need of we can match you with the right supplier. Indicate the type of hair you are looking for: Brazilian, Indian, Malyasian, Eurasian Peruvian hair extensions, etc. You will recieve an email with the contact details. Feel free to contact the suppliers direct, as they all have different handling procedures and response times. Interested? Check our VIP service for more. Make sure to get in touch with the suppliers, and ask them for the latest offer. It´s your business you want to grow!