You can only sell more if you get more visitors to your online hair extensions store. But how to get people find your hair extensions shop if they have never heard of you? Read how not only to get more visitors and to sell more at the same time.

Like many good stories there is a beginning, In the case of your online hair extensions store the begin is the Google or Bing search bar. Women interested to fid hair extensions type their search terms in the Google search bar.
This can be “Brazilian Hair”, “body wave” or “hair extensions stores near me”.

All you must do, is to make sure your internet hair store will be found if somebody, anywhere on this planet keys in these words. That’s all.

Pure Gold

You are not the only online hair extensions store, so you need to develop a plan to make sure you will beat the other hair stores. If you prepare this plan you will not only learn the kind of words your visitors will use, it will also tell you what your clients are thinking before they buy hair! Isn’t that pure gold?
You are in this beautiful business to sell hair and to make money, right? So, it is not about getting as many as possible visitors to your website. If people do visit your site but they do not buy and will never buy, nor will they talk to friends about your awesome online hair shop. They are useless. You need to attract visitors that are interested in your products and services, now or later.

Make money with the proper keywords for your online store

Now you know it is not just any keyword that you should use on your site. Use only keywords that people will use to or to know more about your products. Before people buy hair, they want to know more about your you and your brand. And keywords people will use that are ready to buy.

It will require some discipline but the pay-off is huge. Check on a regular basis with the free Google Analytics and Search Console the keywords that generates traffic to your website. If you check this for example once a week, you will see the changes in the use of words. This information will tell you if people will use less often the word Brazilian and more Peruvian for example. Now it’s up to you to market your Peruvian hair more. Make sure the people who are interested in your Peruvian hair see more of this product, new pictures, new before and after pictures. Of course, you will rename all your pictures with your brand name and the proper key terms. Give your potential clients what they are looking for! And sell more

You see, investing in keyword research is pure gold