Selling Beauty! Business ideas for women

Selling Beauty! Business ideas for women

It’s odd if you want to share tips about business ideas for women, you include a balance with other tasks. The great thing is, to combine selling hair extensions with other duties. Like education, another job or the care of family members.

Selling hair extensions, nails or other beauty products are great business ideas for women. These are sales activities that need a high level of understanding of the other person. For this reason, I notice a high number of nurses or medical students among the clients of my services. Selling hair is all about care!

You look for business ideas for women

One risk for women who want to start their own business, is they care too much for their loved ones or other people in their environment. Too many times I talk to women with great business ideas, who later give up. They are too occupied by these other tasks.

I recommend to, not only to put yourself number one now in your life, but also to make a short list:

– Why do you want to start a business, what is the goal?

– What do you like to do?

– What do you want to learn?

What is your goal

It’s great to have new ideas about a business all the time, unless you want to stop dreaming because you need the money. If cash is the goal of your business ideas make sure to stop thinking in time and to start working on your dream.

You feel lonely in a new neighborhood because your friends left to another corner of country, start selling hair can be a great idea to find new friends.

But why not follow mother Theresa and make the world a better place? Support others with the revenue of your business. Give people who have a hard time to find connection with society a place in your business. This can be because of the language, a handicap or any other reason society thinks they are different.

If you know you need the money you should behave like an entrepreneur as of day one. You can afford to go nonprofit make sure you have the right network to support you.

What do you like to do?

Money is important, but better to pick an activity you are passionate about. Especially if you sell beauty people notice if you are there only for the cash. Or if you feel that ambition to make every client leaving your store look more gorgeous than the previous client.

Go for your passion and let nothing stop you


If you have an idea for a business but you do not want all the other talks, like bookkeeping, looking for suppliers, dealing with unhappy clients. You should not look for Business ideas for women but for a nice hobby that inspires you and generates energy.

Before you start a business, ask your family members to share their opinion. Do they see you as an entrepreneur? Sometimes you can also look for somebody less close to you. You need an unbiased opinion.

If you feel selling hair is the best business idea for you, I am ready to support you


Get more visitors to your online hair extensions store (part I)

Get more visitors to your online hair extensions store (part I)

You can only sell more if you get more visitors to your online hair extensions store. But how to get people find your hair extensions shop if they have never heard of you? Read how not only to get more visitors and to sell more at the same time.

Like many good stories there is a beginning, In the case of your online hair extensions store the begin is the Google or Bing search bar. Women interested to fid hair extensions type their search terms in the Google search bar.
This can be “Brazilian Hair”, “body wave” or “hair extensions stores near me”.

All you must do, is to make sure your internet hair store will be found if somebody, anywhere on this planet keys in these words. That’s all.

Pure Gold

You are not the only online hair extensions store, so you need to develop a plan to make sure you will beat the other hair stores. If you prepare this plan you will not only learn the kind of words your visitors will use, it will also tell you what your clients are thinking before they buy hair! Isn’t that pure gold?
You are in this beautiful business to sell hair and to make money, right? So, it is not about getting as many as possible visitors to your website. If people do visit your site but they do not buy and will never buy, nor will they talk to friends about your awesome online hair shop. They are useless. You need to attract visitors that are interested in your products and services, now or later.

Make money with the proper keywords for your online store

Now you know it is not just any keyword that you should use on your site. Use only keywords that people will use to or to know more about your products. Before people buy hair, they want to know more about your you and your brand. And keywords people will use that are ready to buy.

It will require some discipline but the pay-off is huge. Check on a regular basis with the free Google Analytics and Search Console the keywords that generates traffic to your website. If you check this for example once a week, you will see the changes in the use of words. This information will tell you if people will use less often the word Brazilian and more Peruvian for example. Now it’s up to you to market your Peruvian hair more. Make sure the people who are interested in your Peruvian hair see more of this product, new pictures, new before and after pictures. Of course, you will rename all your pictures with your brand name and the proper key terms. Give your potential clients what they are looking for! And sell more

You see, investing in keyword research is pure gold

StartUps do not want Free Hair to Start their Business

StartUps do not want Free Hair to Start their Business

Free Hair to start your business for everybody with a good idea to start a unique hair business. This would take away an important challenge for all who do have a dream to start a hair business, but lack the money. The result of the first days shows there is very little need for free hair to start a business.

I started the offer of free hair to start a hair business three days ago. There are still 14 opportunities left, of the 15 I can afford to supply with free hair to launch their hair business.

Based upon the first reaction, there is too little demand for this opportunity. Or lack of good ideas.

For example:

  • Some left only a list of hair they would like to receive, but forgot to share the idea how they would be different than the other hair stores in the market
  • Others told me they wanted to sell their hair to afro American women who needed good quality hair. This is not new.  Again, without telling what would be new in their business model.

The free hair to start a hair business is for everybody who has a new idea to start her business. The best way for success is to have an offer nobody else has, or a fresh marketing approach, or a new way to sell hair extensions.
If you think you want to start selling hair extensions and make some nice money, this is your chance. A once in a lifetime opportunity to start your own business.
Feel free to search my website, to sign up for the newsletter, to read the eBook “From Dream to Your Own Hair Extensions Business, in Only 10 Days” or to get the Hair Extensions Business Pages for inspiration to come with new ideas.

Would you like to start selling hair with free hair to launch your business?

Grow Your Online Hair Business

Grow Your Online Hair Business

Home 9 2017 9 April ( Page 2 )
The great thing of the internet is you can start an online hair business any time you want. Regardless your budget, you can start with $ 0.01 or much more. The bad thing of the internet is many others do start their online hair business too. There are 3 key points to make your online hair store grow faster regardless the number of competing hair stores.

How to Expand Sales and go for growth

First forget about the traffic, it is nice to focus on the number of people who come to visit your website. But do not forget you only make money when people convert into a client! If they convert from a visitor checking on your site to people who buy your hair!

Read about the strategy to grow your online hair business.

Only give attention to the outperformers!

Start to analyze the drivers behind your new leads. Anybody that landed on your online store started somewhere. Find out what channel is the number one channel for these leads. Did they find your hair brand via Facebook or thanks to an organic keyword search on Google?

Google Analytics will show you what the most successful generators of leads are. But it also tells the channels that generate the lowest number of leads. For example, ou do not get leads through to Twitter? No need to ignore this channel, put an automatic responder. Thank people who follow you or retweeted you. But limit the time spend on this channel.

I know people who spent hours in social media, only because somebody told they must. But if nobody reacts, why continue?
Better to invest your precious time in the channels that do generate valuable leads to your online hair business.

Set up an organized way to improve the flow through this channel, every single day. Examine this channel and experiment for further grow. If it is organic search on Google, check the keywords and write more content about these topics. Engage with your ideal client about the topics she like..If it’s direct traffic, experiment to comment on more beauty and hair blogs and leave your name and brand.

Everything that gets the attention will grow. Especially if it already has the magic to be attractive for your ideal clients.

The great thing is, this strategy will save you time, energy and money. Now you can focus on those drivers that generate growth for your online hair business.

Cash is king

I am sorry ladies, but it’s still true. The Queen likes shopping, but Cash is King. Track your cash flow. How much cash is going in and leaving your business? Improve the cashflow, by reducing operational expenses and increasing cash at hand by less receivables.

This strategy will free cash you can use to invest in business opportunities. Now you can buy that very attractive offer that comes only once on the market or invest in a new outlet.

Never sit still

The competition always checks on you! Like you should too. They steal your ideas and if possible, your clients. Too bad your clients will not mind if the offer from the competitor is better. To protect and grow your business you need to innovate. When? Always!

Every day, check where you can improve your operations. Did you get an email from a client with difficulties purchasing your hair due to the online payment system? Thank her and give her a discount on her next purchase of hair. She gave you valuable information to make more money in the future. Fix the problem and make sure it will never happen again. At United Airlines, the CEO has learned his lesson too.


  • look at new ways to reduce inefficiencies,
  • to improve the way to connect with your customers or
  • new ways to add value to your client lives.

Make sure today is a better day than yesterday! You want to go for growth too?

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Your own hair store, a dream but not for you?

Your own hair store, a dream but not for you?

Start your own hair store, is a dream for many. The title of my eBook “From Dream to Your Own Hair Business, in Only 10 Days” is exactly chosen for this. Sometimes I speak to people who have been dreaming for two, three years or sometimes even longer.

What is keeping you to start your own hair store?
The decision to start you own hair store is not easy. Many questions pop up:
– Do I know enough about marketing?
– Will I find the right hair?
– Is there room for a new hair store in my town, too much competition
– Where will I get the money to buy the hair
– … HELP

There is enough support for you

The aim of the website and social media is to help every girl, woman or man with this kind of questions. There is a lot of expertise available. If needed you can call a mentor or coach find the best possible answer to start or grow your hair business. Because you are the boss, but you are not alone!

Your own mentor

Need Money?

You need money to make money. This is too often true. You can use a lot of free tools, platforms or information to start your business. A store on Facebook, or free website builder. Search Google or Bing every day or sign up for a hair newsletter.

But where to get the hair?

Great all that free stuff, but the most important asset for your hair store is the hair. Good quality hair can make or break your business. You can find many suppliers on the internet or on Aliexpress. What if you lack the money to make the first buy of hair? How to sell hair without hair?

How to start making money, if you do not have money?

Money is important, but it is not everything. Today’s world is a great example for this, more and more you see communities where people exchange tools, books, and husbands. No need to spend your money on a new sewing machine, if you will only use it to make dress for your daughter once.

The same goes for the hair, the inventory you need to start your own business. If you are ready to start selling hair. If you are ready to conquer the world with the best hair business on earth, or in town. I will help you with free hair to start.

Free Hair to your own hair store

There are some rules and I put a limitation on the offer to 15 people only. I do not want a fight with my wife, but this could be your opportunity to start your own hair business.

Read more or to sign up to get your free hair to start your dream