No need to break your head, below we will share with you a solution to find new hair business and to invest in your customer base.

4 practical tips for setting up a referral scheme and to reward your clients

Word of mouth marketing is one of the strongest ways to get your hair not only under the attention of people new to your products, there is a higher chance they will also buy your hair, thanks to the recommendation from people they know and trust.

But how can you make your clients to share their good experience with your hair?

  1. Simply ask them. It may sound obvious but many shop owners overlook this. If you have nice looking business cards, your clients can use them to share with friends.
  2. Reward your client generous for every new client they bring in. Do not be cheap because you will get a new client that will stay with you for a long time, so be generous with the discount you offer to clients who spread the word.
  3. Do your clients know you reward them if they bring in new clients? If not, put it big on your website, share it through social media or in your newsletter. To get the word out, you need to speak first yourself.
  4. Measure the success of your reward system, if nobody wants to refer your business to others, try to find out why? It might indicate your clients are not that happy with your products, so improve your service or start looking for a better hair supplier.

Be sure to allocate enough time to this awesome way to market hair your business

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