Home 9 All Blog Postings 9 Dream to sell hair 9 Make Your Dream Happen 9 Working full time and running a small hair extensions business
You work full time, but at the same time you want to work on your dream, selling hair extensions. This seems to be a challenge too big too to turn into a success. But you can work full time and run your own hair extensions business at the same time. No need to feel you have more things on your plate to do, than you will have time to live. No problem at all, all you need is a method, and some discipline.

You think you are not the discipline kind of girl? You want to sell hair, not join the military? I promise you, the discipline will come by itself if you follow the method.

Christmas Present – Getting Things Done

Last year Christmas I found a book under the Christmas tree called “Getting Things Done”. A guide full of strategies to have more energy, be more relaxed and with more focus. With getting more done with less energy. When reading the book, I was thinking of you. I know so many of you have a full-time job and struggles to find time to make your own hair business grow. I have been receiving many mails and apps, with the question how to launch and grow a hair business, if the day time job is consuming all the energy.

The solution for everybody running a small hair extensions business

With this header I am lying to you, because this strategy works for everybody, with a small hair business next to a full-time job, with a full-time occupation as shop or salon owner, even as CEO of a big hair business.
The whole concept is to use your brain, the main consumer of all our energy, only for what it is best in, making decisions. Not to store information and to do lists.

“The brain – Our most energy-consuming organ. Representing only 2% of the weight of an adult, the brain consumes 20% of the energy produced by the body – University World News 2013

If you manage to stop using your brains for what it is clearly not made for, like to remember things, you will experience a gigantic flow of positive energy. Energy that will help you to do more and with more focus. Simply think of the effect if you finish a task that has been bothering you for so long. You probably have been thinking or even dreaming about it for a long time. “I have to write a letter to the bank to get some more financial room.” But you kept on postponing this. Once you managed to get yourself together to write the letter and you mailed the letter to your bank manager, how did you feel after you clicked the send button. Relieved, happy and ready for the next challenge, right?

This strategy we are going to use to be more productive, more energetic and more relaxed. The good thing is you do not need to learn new things, all you need to do is to make more use of the basic skills you use all day long. You know how to focus, if you must. You know how to write things down, if you have the time for it and you know how to make decisions, if you only would know what the right choice would be.

In short, the strategy is based up three objectives:
– To capture all the things that need to get done,
– Direct yourself to make front-end decisions about all the things that come your way, during the day,
– Curate and coordinate all those things.

The book “Getting Things Done” from David Allen has helped me a lot, and I want you to benefit from my experience. In a couple of posts, I will share with you the strategy and I would love to hear from you if it works for you too. The idea is that you will feel in control of your hair business and the rest of your life, instead of feeling buried by all the stuff you have to do.

But before I continue, I would like to ask you, would you like to have more energy to work on your own hair extensions business? Please tell me in the comments below.