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hair extensions instagram

hair extensions instagram

Now you know how business works, you have access to hair suppliers so time to start to connect to your customers. The best way to start to build up this relation is by...

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You´re on Instagram, but do you sell more hair thanks to it?

You´re on Instagram, but do you sell more hair thanks to it?

Drive your Instagram followers to your web shop and generate a loyal client base

and start earning with your beautiful pictures.
Check the 6 tips to give your sales a boost thanks to your Instagram account or watch the video

1. Instagram Profile: Keep it updated
·Update your company profile with seasonal items, what about Valentine’s day!
·Your bio is the most important for mobile viewers, so make it look great
·Use a special website link, to drive viewers to a special landing page

2. Ask Questions
·Invite your viewers to interact with you by asking questions
·Keep your questions short, simple and specific
·Use a cute or fun image
·Write in a very personable tone, to deepen the visitors engagement with your brand

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