Get the most out of your shopify free trial


Save Time with the right Preparation

Before you start the free trial, prepare all images and documents plus your brand style. With the proper preparation you will save time so you can start selling in the 90 (!) days free trial period.

Follow the 14 steps

Go for the easy way, follow the 14 steps before you start your free trial. Any question feel free to contact us on WhatsApp + 31 6 234 44 902

Free Downloads

Download for free all the text you need for your legal documents (Term and Conditions, Privacy and Refund Policy) and supporting content like FAQ and Hair Care. Complete with free upload template for one touch upload of all your product descriptions and conditions. Save time, start selling!

Step 1

Create Map/Folder

Create one map with the name of your store on your computer or in the cloud for your Shopify Web Store.

Add Three sub maps:

GENERAL DATA: map with contact file and product template
RESOURCES: map with images, pages and videos
STRUCTURE: map to store the structure of the Web Store


Step 2

Create sub Map/Folder in RESOURCES

Add sub maps:
ABOUT US FAQ HAIRCARE: map with documents with text regarding About us, FAQ and hair care.
BLOG PAGES: map to store the blog postings
LEGAL PAGES: map to store Term and Conditions, Refund/Return Policy and Privacy Policy
PRODUCT IMAGES: map to store all product images, main and detail pics.
WEBSITE: map to store happy client, store, story telling images, etc.

Step 3

Your Mission

What are your goals with your hair business? If you work with a road map that will guide you, it will be much easier to find your clients, to sell at the right price and to crate a profitable business. Click on the image to the right to read all about how to create your mission statement. Let this inspire you when writing your about us page! Read how a good About Us page can make you money!

Click for Mission Statement

Step 4

Contact Details

Open the file CONTACT DETAILS and enter all data regarding :
Name, read my post if you need suggestions for a good catchy business name
Opening hours,
Payment methods,
Contact details,
Social media,
Legal info
Design tab
Your logo,
Color scheme

Download Contactfile

An Excel file will be downloaded, save in the map GENERAL DATA

Step 5


Check other hair stores and make a sketch of the structure, pages and design you prefer.
Decide what kind of story telling images and text you would like for the About us page, Happy Clients and Home Page. If you write a text try to use 300 words or more for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Step 6

Terms and Conditions

Avoid misunderstandings and legal claims from your clients. Publish your Terms and Conditions on your web store. Check the standard legal documentation Terms and Conditions and adapt the text to your own situation, add brand name, URL opening hours if needed and applicable.

TIP: Check here the terms and conditions from Shopify!

Download Terms and Conditions

A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map Legal Pages

Step 7

Privacy Policy

There is no general federal or state law that requires a company to have a privacy policy in all circumstances. But there are several laws that require one in some circumstances. Not having a privacy policy when it is required by law is a potential compliance problem that can lead to liability.

Check the standard Privacy Policy document and adapt the text to your own situation.

Privacy Policy

A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map Legal Pages

Step 8

Refund Policy

Avoid your clients get disappointed because they ordered the wrong hair and wanted a refund. Invest in trust and let your clients know when you do and when you don’t allow a refund or return.

Check the standard legal documentation about the refund or return policy and adapt the text to your own situation.

Refund Policy

A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map Legal Pages

Step 9

About Us

Write some interesting text about the journey you took to get this far, your own hair business! Allow visitors and your clients to connect with you because you write about what they care and feel is important when buying hair.

See the example text, and write your own story.This content will help you to rank in Google, make sure to use relevant keywords and appropriate text.

About Us

A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map ABOUT US FAQ HAIRCARE

Step 10

Hair Care

Write some interesting text about the journey you took to get this far, your own hair business! Allow visitors and your clients to connect with you because you write about what they care and feel is important when buying hair.

See the example text, and write your own story. This content will help you to rank in Google, make sure to use relevant keywords and appropriate text.

Hair Care

A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map ABOUT US FAQ HAIRCARE

Step 11

Frequently Asked Questions

Help your client to make the right buying decision and take away any doubt by answering her questions.

See the example text, and amend the text to align with your own expertise and products. This content will help you to rank in Google, make sure to use relevant keywords and appropriate text.


A WORD file will be downloaded, save in the map ABOUT US FAQ HAIRCARE

Step 12

Logo and Style

Define your mission statement of your hair business. This will help you to be unique and to get visitors who feel a connection with your brand. The mission statement will be the basis for the logo for your hair business. Make your store attractive with the right colors, find ideas for your color scheme. Finally think of a slogan.

Step 13

Product Images

Select images of all the products you are selling. Make sure they are not protected by the copy right of third parties.

Name all the images with the name of you hair store and a unique product description.

TIP: When you save the file, make sure you save the file with first the name of your store, followed by a short description of the product. Example MyHairStore_Body_Wave.jpg instead of 2265d7c6-8b96-4096-8e62-f95073a0c73e.jpg.

Make sure Google knows how to rank you in their search results!

Images should be high resolution (visitor can zoom in on product images).

Step 14


Calculate the sales price, for every product and all variations

Prepare shipping, payment and other conditions.

Step 15

Fill product Template

Use copy paste to reduce workload

For product with multiple variations, do not enter field
Body (HTML)

TIP: Write a Product Description that sells!

Use the grey example fields in the template for support and inspiration
Check the file before upload in Shopify
Save file as “CSV (UFT-8)”

Product Template

An Excel file will be downloaded, save in the map PRODUCT IMAGES

Now You Are Ready for Your 14 Days Free Trial

Contact us on WhatsApp +31 6 234 44 902 after you started your free trial with this link and get our support to start selling hair on Shopify.