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Shopify collections, the best way for more hair sales

With Shopify collections you can arrange your hair and beauty products exactly like your ideal client expects it. Collections on Shopify stores also help you when you have multiple ideal client’s profiles. You can create Shopify collections of hair and beauty products tailor made for the wishes and information needs of your clients. And collections are easy to create, so no reason to skip this sales opportunity.

What are Shopify collections?

When you enter a clothing store of brick and mortar you will see the owner did not put all the clothes and shoes at random. She made islands of clothes, each fitting a special mood (going out!), special time of the year (summer) or specific age group. This helps the client to focus on what she is looking for and it also makes it easier for the store owner to tell the right marketing messages. A collection is an island of hair and beauty products grouped around a certain theme.

Why would you use collections?

The final deal is closed using a product page, here the client has found the hair extensions, wig, or beauty product she likes. She adds the hair to the shopping cart and pays. A collection is the support you give to your client to find this ideal product for her. Plus, it will help you to finetune your client’s hair needs over time, because you will see the decisions she makes when browsing through your collection of hair products. Imagine the insight you get in her needs and the decision pattern she follows if she is doing some window dressing.

What kind of Shopify collections are possible?

In the beginning of this post, we already mentioned some groups, or collections, you could create to help your ideal client. When you prepare a buyer persona, you will get an idea of the hair needs of a certain group of people, but also about the struggles they face and how they search for the information about the hair. Now you understand all this, how comfortable it would be to present the possible solutions for their hair needs on your store? Using a collection.

Let us go through a few possible ways to present the information, and how this will help your ideal client.

New arrivals -collection

When your ideal client actively follows the latest trends on hair and beauty, she knows what is fresh on the market. This girl does not want to browse through the classic products, she wants to see what innovations your brought to the store. Create a “New Arrivals” collection to inspire this kind of client to boost your sales.

Best sellers – collection

What about your clients who have so many priorities at the same time to deal with, they lack the time to google what is in vogue? These clients do not want surprises and prefer products that others feel happy with. What is the hair style that is hot now, what hair I need to create this? Help them by offering a best sellers list, a list of the products most of your clients liked and already bought. This is a Shopify best sellers collection. Do not forget to add some tips on the product pages about how to create the hair styles.

Smart collection

Motivate your clients to buy more by simply combining different hair and beauty products, you can present bundle deals, but what if you offer your client more choice, all guided with your expertise. What combination of weaves and closures, or what eye lashes would go with kinky curly hair?
This collection will inspire you and your client to the highest level of creativity and will be very beneficial!

There are many more combinations to think of, only sales items, themes like hair loss, protective hair styles or based upon color. Make sure you understand what your ideal client is looking for and how she wants to be informed.

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Tips on how to create Shopify Collections

When you got the clear idea on the use of collections, please find some tips before you create the collections.

Tell your store visitor what the collection is about

The visitor of your webstore will scan your pages desperately in search for what she likes. You can help her with a clear image introducing the collection combined with some clear comments. The text should make her excite her and be an invitation to dive into this collection. When done well, this will also give you an extra benefit. Search engines, like google, will reward you with more traffic to your collection page when you present original and structured text about what the collection is offering. First focus on the women and girls who visit your store, because they buy from you, and secondly think in terms of search engine optimization.

High quality images

Sometimes it seems it is more difficult to find the right images with the hair you want to sell, than to find the right hair supplier. Some suppliers share the images, others prefer you to buy the hair first and to shoot the images of the hair yourself. The hair business is a visual business, nobody can sell hair without the right image. Try to shoot some original images. Do not borrow images from the internet, not only because of copy right issues, but also because some images are so much overused. When you have the possibility at least for the collections use original and inspiring images.

Shopify technical support on collections

There are very clear instructions on how to create collections on Shopify and how you can add manually or even automatically your hair and beauty products to the Shopify collections.

Tell me what collections will you create?

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