Home 9 All Blog Postings 9 Hair Business Plan 9 The Hair Market 9 Find Clients 9 Test, test, test, what weaves does your ideal client want?
You need to know what your ideal client is looking for, and the best way to know is to “test, test, test!” Do not buy the hair you like but find vendors who sell the hair your ideal client likes.
How would that be, never too much hair in stock and always happy clients? Read more about how to find out the preference of your hair market.

Social media is key

Social media is a great way to test what your clients like. Big names in the hair business often use their social media channels, not only to inform about the arrival of new stock. But more to engage with their audience and to learn about their needs. Social media is a great, and free tool to use with a high return on investment. You will learn a lot for little money.

Define your ideal client – social media

The social media your client prefers is part of the Ideal Client profile. There are so many different platforms and over time the preference of your market for a specific platform can change. Facebook is still the largest social platform, but there is a clear movement the younger generation is more into Instagram and TikTok. Because your time and resources are limited, and you can not allocate all your time to post pictures, and to engage with your followers you need to focus when using social media. When you define your ideal client, this is the buying persona that will always buy your hair, you need to limit the social media platforms you actively use. When you prepare your ideal client profile, talk with potential clients not only about the social media channel they use today, also about what they like and do not like. This helps to anticipate a shift in social media channel used.

You can make a list of characteristics, preferences, backgrounds, and pain points or use the ready-made template we offer in our all-in-one business package. Leave a comment if you would like to receive a free copy of the Ideal Client template.

What hair does your ideal client like?

Now you know the social media channel of preference, you can use this channel, or channels, to engage with your market.

  1. Collect images of hair and re-share.
  2. Ask the vendor if you can use their images to publish and market their hair.
  3. Share posts of hair stylists on your social media and invite your followers to respond.

We all love to talk hair, and sometimes this is limited to a simple like, but you can also trigger a comment. It will not always be easy because your followers might need time to feel free to interact, but when you post the right images you will get the reactions that will tell you what people like and do not like.

Think about a competition to make it ore attractive to share a comment. Avoid to simply post images of hair and wait until people react. Social media is like the real world. People are more willing to respond when they think you are a nice person. So do not only post your own stuff, but also comment on the postings of others.

Your client will tell you what she likes

Make sure you log the reactions on every post. The number of likes, the key messages in every comment. This insight will help you to share other post, with similar hair or other textures and lengths. It is really all about test, test, test!

See if you can discover a certain trend, that is a recurrent reaction from your followers on the hair. Do they share more reactions on Kinky Curly, or do images of the 30 inch not lead to any response at all?
The trend will help you to understand the kind of hair your market is looking for. Use this insight in a blogpost, the product description for your products or when you talk hair with clients or your friends.

And do not forget to add this information in your ideal client profile!

So, what hair does your ideal client prefer? And let me know in the comments below if you would like a free copy of the ideal client template.

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