Home 9 All Blog Postings 9 Launch Hair Store 9 Get visitors to Your Store 9 How to tell Google to Rank Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave
You found the best Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave in town, now you only must let the world know. In the olden days you would go to the marketplace, now we want Google to rank your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave!

How does Google rank hair?

Google, and Bing, use a lot of computers all over the world to pay a visit to all online stores, blog post and other things connected to the internet. How does Google know about your new website, or your latest new arrival, the Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave?

It is not that difficult for google to find, all they need is time and a lot of computers. They start with the online stores and other websites they already know. The websites they have visited before. They just follow the links between one webpage and the other. Every website is a collection of at least one, but more often many webpages. A webpage for every hair product you sell, your blogpost, the about us page and pages about privacy. For every topic you will have a separate webpage. All these webpages will have the same domain name, like uniqueBeautyLuxe.com, yummyhair.com, ignitionhair.com etc. etc. Alle webpages with the same domain name, will form a website or webstore.

Google uses a search bot to visit your webpages. This is done using Googlebot, a tool to visit many, many web pages and to note the content of those webpages. Google will visit nearly all pages, but for example when the page is blocked for an anonymous user, like somebody who did not sign up for your wholesale section.

Get your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave on Google

There are several methods to help Google find your new hair product page:

Submit a sitemap of your complete online hair store
When you use WordPress/WooCommerce or Shopify, the platform has created the sitemap of your online hair store already. The sitemap is a kind of a roadmap and shows all the images, product descriptions, videos, and other elements plus the relationships between all these elements. It shows for example when a page was updated the last time, thus Google can find fresh content to show in the search results!

Tip! It is recommended to provide a sitemap to google when your webstore is new. Because hardly any existing website has a link to your new webstore, it will take long before Google has found your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave, or other hair.
Tip! Create a logical internal linking structure. Internal links (links between web pages part of the same domain) are a great help to help Google understand the content and context of your web pages. You can make this natural by showing related products, or others bought also. But also, a link to the shipping page or maintenance information can be of great help.

Submit crawl requests for individual product pages, for example your new arrival Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave
In Google search Console, or Bing Webmaster Tool you can submit any new or changed web page. This will tell Google or Bing to visit these pages, the next time they search the internet for new content. This can take a couple of days or a couple of weeks. You cannot speed up this process. When you plan a new website or page around a certain day or event, make sure the pages are submitted a couple of weeks in advance. So, when you have a special Valantine’s page, do not wait till the day before Valentine.
Use a simple, human-readable, and logical URL paths for your pages and provide clear and direct internal links within the site
The best way to work on your SEO is to keep thinking and writing for humans. The name of your webpage should be easy to understand for people of flesh and blood. Use normal words. If possible, add the structure and when you want to separate words use hyphens – instead of underscores _ in the name of your page, the URL.
Use hreflang to point to alternate versions of your page in other languages
When you have a webstore that uses different languages, you could tell Google about these different variations. This will help Google Search to point users to the most appropriate version of your page by language.
Clearly identify your canonical page and alternate pages
Google wants to present unique content in their search results. But in your store, you might have multiple URL’s pointing to the same content. How to let Goole know what is the right page to visit and to check the content? Ear mark the right webpage as Canonical. When you use WordPress and the Yoast plugin this can be done using this plug in (see under the tab advanced).
View your crawl and index coverage using the Index Coverage Report.
In google search console there is a report that shows which pages are indexed well and how serious any issue is. You can see the page and the issues. You can work on this yourself or ask your website developer to work on this.

You prefer a professional client friendly online hair store?

These steps will help your site and product pages with new arrivals to be found and indexed by Google. Google and Bing index most pieces of content, like:

  1. hair product descriptions and text on other pages
  2. images of your hair extensions and wigs, using the meta-tags
  3. The structure, like title and headers.

This is also the time the search engines check if the content on a page is a supplicate or not. When you did not select the canonical page, google will do.

What more can you do to rank higher?

When you read an article on the internet or in a magazine, you want the information to be useful, original, and correct. The same goes for all your content on the hair store. The challenge is when you have many variations, and you publish every variation of the hair piece separately.
You must know your ideal client, what are the words she or he is using when searching on the internet. This helps not only when your clients search for the hair, it will also help them after they landed on your Raw Vietnamese Straight Hair page. You present the product description exactly how they like it. That increases the chance for a longer visit of your website and it will be more likely they will buy the hair.
Give structure, make all your titles and headers descriptive, and do not forget the alt attributes, like the description of the hair images. The structure should also be found in the hierarchy of your online hair store.

Check how the Googlebot can analyse the pages of your online store. Use in the Google search tool the live is analysing
To help Google fully understand your site’s contents, allow all site assets that would significantly affect page rendering to be crawled: for example, CSS and JavaScript files that affect the understanding of the pages. The Google indexing system renders a web page as the user would see it, including images, CSS, and JavaScript files. To see which page assets that Googlebot cannot crawl use the URL Inspection tool; to debug directives in your robots.txt file, use the robots.txt Tester tool.
Help visitors use your pages, the customer experience must be excellent also on your website.
Use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. If you must use images for textual content, use the alt attribute to include a few words of descriptive text.
Ensure that all links go to live web pages. Check on a regular basis if all the links work and the images still show.
Your online hair store should be mobile friendly and loading fast. Check if the site is performing well on desktop, tablet, and mobile phone. Use browsers like Firefox to test how your online hair store looks like on various devices.
Do not forget to ensure that your online hair store is useful for readers with visual impairments. Use alt text for images and make sure the colors used are visible for people who are color blind.

And now implement this!

When you have the design and maintenance of your website in your own hands, there is some work to do. It will be rewarding because it will help you not only to rank higher in the search results, but your clients will also be happier, and you will even get more clients. When you need help, let me know, I am here to help you growing your hair business.

Buying Funnel, or the sweet words your client wants to know before she buys your hair

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Be ready to talk about your hair business, 24/7

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