Remy Hair club hair extensions supplier

Remy Hair club hair extensions supplier

How To Sell Hair Extensions - Remy Hair Club Silky StraightInterview held with: Natasha Lombe, director Remy Hair Club at the Afro Hair &Beauty Show in London May 26th, 2014

Can you introduce RHC?

Remy Hair Club (RHC) is a London based boutique global wholesaler of Virgin Remy Hair Extensions. We have 15 years of Styling experience behind us and we love to share this knowledge about the hair business with our clients.

What do you offer?

RHC is offering specially tailored collections of Weave, Lace Closures, Handmade Clip-Ins and Handmade Wigs.

Why would somebody come to RHC?

We want to eliminate the supply of sub-standard and fake hair extensions. In the fifteen years we are active in the hair business, we have helped many women with the aftermath of hair extensions that shed, tangle and break within weeks of purchase. We are leading by example, meeting the highest standards, to help all our loyal women feel beautiful and confident.

Can you tell us how you keep the level of quality high?

Our team personally source and select every product to guarantee the very finest quality natural hair in all styles, textures, lengths and weft types: silky straight to coil curl; double machine weft to super thin hand weft. Our hair is procured from a variety of global sources with whom we have tested, strong relationships and quality control.

What kind of services do you offer as wholesale supplier?

We offer a wide variety of set block and mixed colours as standard. We can deliver directly to your door or, alternatively, provide storage for purchased goods and forwarding distribution from the UK where appropriate.

Is it possible to receive the hair without your brandname, so shops can resell your hair like it their own brand?

We always offer our clients the choice of receiving the goods in RHC branded or plain packaging.

If people want to put hair extensions for sale, how can they contact you?


Natasha Lombe
Director – Remy Hair Club
Skype: remyhairclub
P: +44 (0)7958 467 558

What to consider when buying from an online hair supplier

Start Now Selling Hair Extensions

I need your help

Question: I would love to open up a quality hair extension business but really need some help on getting started in every way. Please if you can find the time to help me I would greatly appreciate it. Please contact me via email, thank you.

Answer: Hi, the best thing is to start to decide on what kind of clients you want to service. Where are they located, what kind of hair they are interested in and how much are they willing or can the afford to purchase hair.

How to distinguish real human hair from synthetics ?

One well known and reliable test is called a “fiber burn” test, for this:

1. Select single strands of hair from different areas of the hair extension you want to test;

2. Take a single strand and use a lighter to keep a steady flame and;

3. Pay attention to the odor, the way the hair glows and the flame.

Be sure not to use matches as they will mask the odor due to the sulpher.

Human hair is a protein fiber that burns with a small flickering flame and will not continue to burn unless you hold the flame continuously to the strand. It burns briefly with an orange flame and then chars leaving a dark ash that turns to powder when crushed. The odor is of burning flesh or burning feathers.

Synthetic fibers are either nylon or polyester and each burns quite differently.

Nylon fibers burn briefly but rapidly and then melts. It has a sparkling flame that has a blue base and orange tip. The ash is like hard amber beads. The odor smells like boiling green vegetables or burning celery.

Polyester fibers burn and melt quite rapidly at the same time. It has an orange sputtery flame with black smoke and gives off a sweetish odor. The ash drips and is sticky to the touch before forming into hard black beads.

Remember to burn test each fiber separately as your piece may contain a blend of both human hair and synthetic.

10 steps to your own hair business

If you have passion for hair and you like to make people happy, the best thing is to start your own hair shop. Every day will be a fun day and you will be your own boss. Of course it´s hard work, but all the money is for you.
Passion is not enough you need to plan your marketing campaign, to talk to people to find out what their needs are and you need to organize everything. Not your boss, but time will be your biggest enemy, unless you work in an efficient way to the top with your own shop!
How? Of course by visiting our website, but if you want to save on time and money just work on the launch of your own shop and follow the steps of our eBook. In only 10 steps you´ll get from dream to your own hair extensions business! Click on this link to start your own shop the efficient way!. And If you prefer to buy hair direct click here!

What to do with returned hair

Returned hair

We do not accept any returns of hair extensions and we will not refund any money”. This is clear language, but does it show you put the client first? If your client is not happy and you do not want to endanger the relation, you could consider not being too harsh.
Of course if the client made an error or tries to play a game with you, you should very well consider if it is worth to take back the hair.
But otherwise , if there are circumstances you want to give the client the benefit of the doubt and you will accept to return the hair.

Return policy

It is important to write down and to publish your return policy. Under what conditions do you accept returned hair? Because you believe in your products and you put your clients first, you do not hide your return policy somewhere in a dark place of your website or hair shop. Make sure the policy can be found and read by every client. Use it as a marketing tool, people like to but from places where they can return what they bought, and big chance they will not return the hair.

What if you accept the returned hair?

But in case a client is not happy with the received hair extensions, follow your policy to accept the returned hair extensions or wigs.
In these cases be sure the necessary hygiene is respected. The best thing is to only allow hair extensions that have not been taken out of the original package (you remember with your name and logo). But if this is not possible, if the client opened the package, check the hair extensions very well en keep them apart from your stock. You do not want to be known to be the first to sell second hand hair extensions, unless this is your way to differentiate yourself.

Reduce the loss and turn the unhappy client into a loyal client

Try to reduce your loss of the hair as little as possible. Instead of a refund, offer the client a replacement, a significant discount on a new order or a Gift Card… Be generous if the occasion calls for it. Remember, a happy client will tell one or two people how happy they are with you, an unhappy person might use the next three birthday parties to tell everybody how bad your shop is.
So in most cases problems with returned hair will put a lot of pressure on the relation between you and the client. But if you can convince the client to stay as a customer, you will win a very loyal and happy client.