What are the 6 necessary skills for one to be successful in the hair business?

What are the 6 necessary skills for one to be successful in the hair business?

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Business tips to start a hair store

Why do you want to start your own hair business?

When you try to answer this question, do not only think of the hair you can buy and sell, or the money you will earn, or how proud your mother will be. The best business tip to start a hair store are related to yourself. You as a person. You as entrepreneur of a hair store, online or brick-and mortar should have the right skills and the right traits. Next to your character, you must take some action to position yourself as store owner.

Entrepreneur characteristics to run a hair store

When you want to start as entrepreneur your own hair store, the following traits, because these have a positive influence on being a successful entrepreneur. I added a short explanation for each trait and please when you doubt google or check a professional about the meaning and how this relates to you.

How about:

You are outgoing and you direct attention to things other than yourself. It’s characterized by sociability, assertiveness, talkativeness, and excitability. You seek out social stimulation and love to engage with others
when you have the desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. You tend to be efficient and organized instead of easy-going and disorderly
you are a kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, and considerate person
emotional stability
you can withstand difficult situations, handle adversity, and remain productive and capable throughout
when you tend to be intellectually curious, creative, and imaginative, you are always trying something new
higher risk preferences
when you are willing to risk losing money, to get potentially better results

For a hair store, where the goal is to make others look and feel good, a soft skill like agreeableness is very important. You need to be able to listen. Extraversion is also important for running a hair business because you might visit all salons in your town to offer them a referral deal, or you need to feel relaxed enough for a photoshoot or short movie, to promote your brand.

Thanks to a survey conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin we know you should pay less attention to your own abilities and aspirations, and more attention to the external realities of competition in the marketplace. Startups and entrepreneurs tend to feel overconfident. Importantly, this survey also confirmed gender plays a role, and men are riskier than women.

What to do next?

You can decide for yourself, but you can also ask a family member, your partner or best friend to give a full 360 of you. Be aware, openness and emotional stability are good characteristics for an entrepreneur, so accept the view others share with you.

Of course, the outcome does not have to be a definitive Go or No Go to continue with your dream, your own hair store, but see how you can adapt your behavior towards the more entrepreneur favorable characteristics.

What are the 6 necessary skills for one to be successful in the hair business?

Please read the 6 necessary skills to be successful in the hair business. If you have a day time job, you might be dreaming of being your own boss. But there are some skills you need to have, or you need to train yourself to be successful.

One Finish what you start

What kind of person are you? Do you have a million ideas but hardly finalize what you started? You cannot start a business initiative and leave it on the shelf before it is ready. Being your own boss, means hard work, even if there is nobody to tell you to finish your work.

Two Be able to sell

If you are your own boss you have to sell everything, every day. There is no hierarchy between you and the customers, the market or your suppliers. Instead of giving an order, you now have to find ways to convince others to not only be interested in your ideas, suggestions, products, visions. But also to make them pay for it. Thus be able to show you believe in what you offer.

Three Be a top communicator

At school they teach you to do math, to read or about the history of your country or people. But did they teach you how to communicate? Did you had lessons in listening well to other people? One of the necessary skills to be a successful entrepreneur is to communicate like no other person. The biggest difference between us, a s human beings and animals is our ability to communicate. But we are so bad in it. If we talk to another person, how many times you notice you are preparing your own answer, instead of listening to the fear, excitement or needs of the other person? It’s so difficult to tell what the other exactly told you, just because you were not listening.

You need to listen to your clients, to be able to support them with their needs and not what you want to sell. 

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Four Master your time?

Life is full of making decisions, and being your own boss is not different. Of course you need to think through any action you plan to execute. But if it takes you ages before you come to a decision, only because you prefer to have 100% certainty, it will not work.

Not only will you never find 100% certainty, there is always the risk it will not work out the way you planned. You will also lose too much time in planning and thinking about all the alternatives. Time, more than money is scarce if you run your own business. Treat it like gold and do not waste it.

Next to being able to take decisions you also need to be able to plan your days and weeks. Good time management will make you successful in everything you do.

Five Be the boss

You are in charge, and you are the one who will make the final decision. Are you going to expand, are you going to buy this hair or hair from another supplier. If you do not have the courage to be the boss, it will never work. As mentioned before, you need to make decisions, even if there is no certainty. Do you have this courage?

Six, Learn from your mistakes and success

You need to learn, from everything that comes on your path. Learn from everything that comes on your path. Plan time in your busy agenda to learn new things, to analyze new trends in your industry and do not forget to learn from unhappy clients! They will tell you exactly what you can improve.

Start a hair business to protect the rights of female workers

Start a hair business to protect the rights of female workers

One stroke of Donald’s pen and women rights are back centuries again.

Last week the US President revoked the Obama 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order. This order was put in place to ensure companies given federal contracts complied with a raft of labour and civil rights laws.
The Obama rules helped protect female employees on wage transparency and a ban on forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment
The first requirement (wages) forced companies with federal contracts to provide each employee with a “wage statement”. One of the few ways to help ensure women were being paid as much as their male colleagues.

Women earn 83 cents for every dollar earned by men

Did you know, women in America currently earn 83 cents for every dollar earned by men doing the same job (The Economic Policy Institute).
The other rule stopped companies with government contracts from using the forced arbitration clause to keep sex discrimination claims out of the courts and off the public record. This helps to hide sexual harassment claims.

The forced arbitration clause became the subject of public debate last year when Fox News presenter Gretchen Carlson dodged an arbitration clause in her own contract by directly suing the company’s former chief Roger Ailes over claims of sexual harassment.

Civil rights LGBT community

Campaigners also say the order discriminates against LGBT people. Several of the civil rights laws that companies will no longer have to prove they abide by prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“This administration has made it extremely difficult to enforce these federal laws,” Camilla Taylor, a lawyer at a law firm that fights for the rights of LGBT people, told Keen News.
This all could be an extra motivation to start your own hair business, you decide on the payment structure and how to deal with the rights of your workers.

Female President

How would the world have looked like with a female US President; will we ever know?


Have a nice and inspiring Sunday

Have a nice and inspiring Sunday

Just before I go to church, I felt I had to write about my never-ending source of inspiration. It’s amazing how the Lord finds the time and words to inspire me, every single day of the week. To thank Him for this I love to visit the church every Sunday and to say a big Thank you.

Before in my daily life I used to run, push and hurry to get things done, and I always thought I am the one making these things happen. Only when I felt the tough gets going I could find the time to pray and to look for support from the Lord.

But that’s too easy, that’s not fair because let’s be honest, it’s not me but the Lord who makes everything possible I achieve and even if I fail. It’s not only the lord who uses a bright light to start our days. It’s also the Lord who makes it rain great ideas when you want to start selling hair extensions, or your own beauty salon, or any other great plan to make the world a better place.

I am happy I can use this small piece of the world to share my thankfulness for all the support I receive and I pray you too will find support today or later this week when you are ready to start to make your dreams come true.

Have a nice Sunday

AliExpress Hair Top Store Rosabeauty

AliExpress Hair Top Store Rosabeauty

For 6 years Rosabeauty is selling on Aliexpress hair extensions. 6 years with a high level of quality. So enough reason for a party and gifts. You can get very high discounts if your purchase hair now.

Let’s first see why they have so many happy client feedbacks. The last six months they received an average of 95.4% positive feedback, thanks to the fact Rosabeauty delivers the hair products exactly as they describe them. 4.7 ranking out of 5! No unpleasant surprises.

But there is more, buying online still requires a good communication between buyer and seller. Rosabeauty received a very high score for this quality items too. Again 4.7 on a scale from 0 to 5. Not bad at all.

You order the hair all the way from China, does this mean you have to wait long before you receive your shipping? No way, Rosabeauty scores 4.8 on shipping speed. This helps if you want to purchase hair to resell. You can keep your stock low.

Rosabeautuy offers on Aliexpress hair both wholesale and retail, this allows you to first place a small trial order. Do not risk your money and test the hair and communication. Of course good to know they rank so high, but better for yourself to judge.

Check the Rosabeauty hair store

What to buy on this Aliexpress hair store?

Their best selling products at the time I wrote this mail, are the Unprocessed Brazilian (grade 5A), 3 Bundles Brazilian Virgin Hair Straight and the new Free part Brazilian Hair Lace Frontal. But they also offer Peruvian, Indian and Malaysian and many other textures.

I have to be honest, there is also some negative Feedback, but that is unavoidable. The best way to discover the reason behind these negative feedbacks is to read the feedback provided. Or to try a sample order from them to discover if this is the hair to sell to your own clients, or for your own use.

Let me know in the comments your opinion of Rosabeauty hair store