Tell the world about your hair, how to advertise your hair brand?

Tell the world about your hair, how to advertise your hair brand?

Home 9 2017 9 April ( Page 4 )
Your hair brand is the solution for many women or men, but why does nobody buy? In this post, you will read how you can start a marketing campaign. A marketing campaign to get your hair brand under the attention of many potential buyers.

What is the solution?

First, what is the solution you offer to the world. Do you have a new hair brand that is an improvement for people who already buy your product or services? Or did you find a solution for people in another market? Did you discover a new market or niche?

Make sure you understand the group of people you found a solution for. This is essential to start the communication about your hair brand. You need to know to whom you are going to talk.

What is your communication ambition?

Now you know the people, your ideal client, you are going to talk with. If you know your ideal client, you can plan your marketing strategy. What will be the format you will use, what is the content and how will you create the marketing message.

You can only manage your campaign if you have goals and if you can track the impact of your campaign on these goals. You need to decide where you are going to market your message, how and how often.

What channel?

There are so many channels to broadcast your message about the hair. TV. Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Internet and within every group there are many variations. For example, social media, but what platform? Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat ….

Facebook is the biggest platform in number of users, but Instagram and Pinterest are more popular under women. But … 70% of the Facebook users logs in every day, and only 22% in Pinterest. To make it easy, most people use Pinterest to check about products!

Now you know what channel to use right?

If you do not, use the ideal client template to discover what channel your potential buyers are using to get information about hair products.

Do you want to earn your money by selling hair?

The story about your hair brand

You have a story to tell, the story about the solution you offer with your hair brand. Make sure you tell your story in the format your audience is ready to listen for. Pictures in Pinterest, short story twitter, video Facebook. The same message but another format.

So many possibilities, but only small budget?

No need to have the marketing budget of Procter & Gamble or Loreal. Be creative, you can afford a lower frequency if you are more creative. Or at least original. Outperform the rest, no bundle deals but something fresh! Ask a local celeb to take part in a YouTube movie of your hair extensions party shot in your neighborhood. Make sure people will recognize the location and even the people on the clip or pictures. This makes it more shareable.

You can also contact a school magazine, local newspaper or beauty magazine for your community and place content branding. An article about your brand, instead of an advertisement. If people trust the magazine, they will also trust your hair brand promoted in the magazine.

If you want to get your hair brand on websites, make sure you adapt the format to the design and format of the website that will host your story. People developed the skills to ignore advertisements, so make sure you follow their design, font and colors. This will increase the Return of Investment and number of clicks.

Do better, not more to build your hair business

Do better, not more to build your hair business

You are busy to build your hair business, but there are so many opportunities you want to make sure you grab. You eye that awesome little store in the center of your town that is still for rent. You are looking for the best hair supplier and you found a market niche nobody else have been thinking of yet. If you only had more time in a day!

The secret is, you do not need more time to build your hair business. If you still would need more, there is no way to get more hours in a day. 24 hours that is the max. You should make fewer but better choices about your business activities. Do not try to do too much because you fear you will miss opportunities. Do not drown in opportunities. Better to upgrade the use of your time.

How to upgrade your use of time?

Do start to tell “But I do not have enough time!”, because you have all the time. No need to ask for more time, better to be more selective where you spend the time on. Take some time to think about where you spent your time on. Find the things what matters most.

What is creating value in your hair business?

It is generally known that 80% of what you do, leads to 20% of the result. For example, 80% of your clients will generate 20% of your revenue. 20% of your clients will generate 80% of your revenue. This goes also for expenses, time spent etcetera.

We are going to use this wisdom to improve the quality of the time you spent. Now you can focus your time on the highest valuable activities.

The easy part is to think of those activities (that consume 80% of your time), everybody is doing, but are not generating high value. The time you use for these activities will generate low results, let’s call them D time.

Think about:

  • sorting mail
  • checking low level email (newsletters you once signed up but do not give added value)
  • customer service to people who never bought from you,
  • dealing with supplier that will not be your preferred supplier but you are too polite to ignore them.
  • Check the news at office work
  • Lost files, lost things

Delete these tasks and free up your calendar for more valuable activities. If not needed skip them, unsubscribe, write one farwell letter, avoid dealing with this again. Or find ways to automate them.
Delegate if somebody else can do these activities better.
Defer, delay it some time.
Design it out, get rid of spam mail, set rules on your mail app. Make tutorials for your clients, improve the FAQ on your website, or create an introduction kit for new clients.

The remaining 20%, remember D time absorbed 80%, are activities that generate value. 80% of the result so this means with only one day a week you generate 16 times more! Figure out what of these tasks you can delegate to somebody, or instead of having one on ones, organize meetings with people with the same needs. Think about a webinar.
Do not invest time in the design of your hair business website. Better to focus on how to build your hair business and have someone else create the website.

If you discover you often reply to clients the same way, with a little personal note, make sure you have email templates. Save time, but not the message.

But there is still room for more improvement! The B time!

With 20%& of the C time you generate much more result. Most of these are the items you have been working on to improve in the previous step. This time you are going to use them.

Use only standardized emails, look for a partner to build your hair business, investor or somebody in an industry that is complementary to your service offering.

Now every quarter go through your list and see if you freed up time in the D class and have moved activities from the higher to the lower value activities class. From B time to D time for example. This will free up time, without losing the result!

Now leaving only 1% (20% of the 20%) the time spent in this class is going to generate top results! This is the time for your business strategy, your top revenue drivers or time with potential investors. This time is not urgent, but will have huge impact.

Structure your week to grow your hair business

Look for one day a week to Focus on only the two highest levels of activities. The a and B time class. Make sure you have enough energy to work on these important and high value activities. Do not lock yourself up, be sure you communicate with people but on the agenda, you only have the A and B time activities. These activities are different for every business. It does help to stay focused so turn of the email, use the voicemail and off the TV. If possible, go out, visit the library or local café. This will not only help you to focus, a change of environment will also free your unconscious a huge brain capacity 200 times larger than your conscious! No upgrade needed, it’s all available.

The rest of the days you have push days, days you work to push your hair business one step ahead. If you do only have push days you will get a static business without growth potential or worse that will dissolve over time. If you only have focus days, you can be very happy but with no business to run.

Schedule your focus day in your agenda and plan on every other day 90 minutes at your best time of your day. In these 90 minutes, you work on two items that matter most for your business and one that is important for you. After all, it’s crucial to keep a healthy working / private life balance.

Make sure you stay committed to this strategy, look for a coach or other person to keep you on track. Keep in mind your own rhythm, ask for help if needed and attend to the actions needed, in a step-by-step way. Do not fear to ask others to help you to stay disciplined.


Feel free to contact me as your coach to build your hair business together!


To play with your kids or to grow your hair business?

To play with your kids or to grow your hair business?

To play with your kids or to grow your hair business?

As a father of two your kids, too many times I told them, not now I am busy, later today! And boy I felt bad when I gave this answer. Between you and me, I prefer to play with my kids above anything in the world.

My 9-year-old son has a huge interest in everything on earth and in the universe. I love to discuss with hem if there is life on mars. Or to crawl on our bellies through the forest to spy on the secret life of a rabbit. My 10-year-old daughter is a self-made YouTube queen, like so many of her age. She completely disapproves my YouTube clips. I should be honest, she is a natural talent and I will never be!

But okay, I like to work and too many times when they wanted me to come out of my office and to join them my answer was. “Not now!”

I can imagine, if you have kids you will recognize this internal fight, you prefer to spend time with your kids, but there is also work to be done.

Grow your hair business and play with your kids

I found a way, I planned my tasks in my calendar with enough free time, and work earlier in the morning. I also outsourced some tasks to play with my kids and to discover the world with them.

How do you balance your time to grow your business and to enjoy being with your kids while they still need you? Because we all now, one day you will ask, hi kids shall we play? What will their response be if too many times you said not now?

Get the eBook to start your hair business in a smart time and money saving way

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You prefer to be Self Employed or a real hair business?

You prefer to be Self Employed or a real hair business?

You like to be self-employed, because now you are your own boss. Why don’t you want to struggle less? Leave the physical and emotional stress behind you and achieve real growth. Why don’t you want a real hair extensions business?

You only need to do a little test to see if you will struggle for ever, or be the owner of a respected real hair business.

Test 1. Are you too busy working to step back and to get help to build a real hair business?

How many times you say, if I have more time I will… improve the way I work.

That makes about as much sense as the person digging a hole who says, “If I keep digging my hole I can dig my way out.” Never realizing that the more they dig, the deeper they get and the more reliant their company gets on them the owner being there every day.

The odd thing is many business owners want their company to grow by investing more and more time in working harder and personally producing more. But this is so wrong, because the company can only grow when you work for the company. Didn’t you wanted to be independent, self-employed? Or you prefer to be a slave of your own company?

Let’s change roles, you do less and your company does more! How about that?

When will you free your agenda by force, step back from your business to see where you can make your business work for you? Be smarter, find new ways to automate tasks, plan instead of letting events take control of you. Create that real hair business you have been dreaming about.

Test 2. Are you willing to invest yourself out of slavery?

Yeah, slavery, because if you only can survive the day by day struggle by working harder you are a slave of your company.

Stop thinking on what will it cost me. I sell advertisements opportunities to entrepreneurs. The moment I talk about the exposure they will get with the promotions, I can see them start thinking, “aww money!” Indeed 9 out of 10 times their first response is ”How much will this cost me?”

But the thing is, you are not in the hair business to spend money. You are in the hair business to grab opportunities and to grow benefiting from the tasks you can outperform others with! You are the best in predicting next year’s hair styles, sell it! You know exactly what your clients need and like, sell it! You can write like the best about hair and beauty, sell it.

Or are you the kind of person that sees a great opportunity, but refuses to invest in this because it costs money? In this case, better to say yes boss, instead of welcome new client!

But I do not have the money to invest! It will amaze you how much cash generating potential you have in your business. All you need is to set out a strategy and plan your way to success.


Or think of all the money you lose because you did not go for that business opportunity! You deserve a medal of honor because you prefer others to enjoy the good things in life too. But what about you?

Test 3 Nice, but not today

If you visit my website more often and you like selling hair, you know the answers to the two previous questions. You know you can invest in opportunities and you know you should free up time to grow. But …. please do not tell me tomorrow will be a better day to start! Do not postpone the moment to invest in your own hair business because now it’s not the right time for it!

Why would you wait? Afraid to fail, about what other will say? Afraid you will lose your friends because the will be jealous of your success? Or afraid because you do not know what will happen if your business starts to grow.

Tell me, you prefer to let opportunities go by, to keep on struggling to survive?

If not, schedule a call with a mentor to start today and to grab all those business opportunities to grow a business and stop struggling

Environmental protection will make hair extensions more expensive

Environmental protection will make hair extensions more expensive

China is by far the main producer of Human Hair. Increased environmental protection starts to impact this industry. The Government forces some in some regions Manufactures to close their facilities. This puts a pressure on the hair available for the export and leads to increased prices.

The regulation sees to certain regions, cities and not to the whole country. The level of pollution in a region determines if a factory must close their doors. This, not the quality of the hair extensions of an individual factory,

Environmental protection and the price of hair

The environmental protection will cause an increase of the price of the hair extensions. There will be less hair on the market. And there is no improvement of the quality of the hair. The good thing is China takes the environment serious, but for hair resellers it’s an extra challenge.

The environmental protection is for a limited period. Once the level of pollution is back at the norm, production will resume. But, it is unclear how long this will take. Some owners keep continue the production and thus delay the impact for the whole region.

What can you do?

1. Try to order more hair, if you have enough stock and the hair price will rise you will benefit for the increase.

2 Look for a second supplier. It’s good to have a good relationship with one supplier, but if this supplier for any reason can’t supply the hair. You are in trouble. Better to find a backup supplier.

3. Educate and inform you clients. Clients do not like surprises. You increase the price of the hair, and your clients, even if they love the hair, will not be happy. Educate them, tell them about what’s happening in the world of hair. Use your newsletter to keep them updated and give them news they can share with others.

4. Start cross selling, you are in the business of giving people a confidence boost. Stop selling hair extensions, but sell this look good feeling.

5. Follow this website to see what’s happening in the world of hair extensions


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