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If you are selling hair, you need to know your hair buying clients. You can have small retail clients are big wholesale clients. To become successful all you need to do is to aim all your effort on these hair extensions buying clients. It is important to build all your business activities with your clients in mind.

Who are your hair buying clients?

To service your clients in a way that will meet her demands and needs, you must design all your business processes with that customer in mind. For every specific need of your client, you need to design specific procedures and processes.

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Basic elements of a hair business process

All you want to do is to sell hair, but to be able to do so, you need to design multiple processes or certain activities. You need to purchase the right hair, you need to market the hair and much more of these activities.
A process is a series of steps and actions that as a result will generate the bundle of hair extensions you are going to sell. To be successful, every process should generate added value for your customer.

Every process has one or more elements:
– People, not only enough sales people but also the level of education of you and your staff;
– Equipment, the computer you need to keep your web shop attractive, the storage of your hair, etc
– Method, what is the unique way you manage your hair business and business activities
– Materials, this is most importantly the hair you purchase to sell, but could also be the products you need to maintain the hair extensions
– Environment how does the shop or salon look like.

I have mentioned it many times, but it is very, very important to know your client. Who needs hair extensions and what are her needs. If you know this, you will be able to sell more hair. The time and if needed money invested in understanding your client and her needs for hair extensions, will increase your profit margin.

A nice side effect of understanding the needs of your clients, is that you will be able to define exactly the needs you have towards your suppliers.

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