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Tips to reduce hair store cart abandonment

There are several reasons users of your hair store might leave your web store without finishing the purchase. The previous post mentioned several important issues.
In this post we are going to work on solutions, Tips to reduce hair store cart abandonment.

Inform your users about the expenses

Nobody likes to pay for shipping anymore since the large marketplaces offer free shipping, even for very small orders. But we are not all in the position to negotiate zero shipping fees. If you have any charge, make sure the users of your hair and beauty store are informed in time. It is better they take the charges in the calculation of the final payment for the Malaysian Wig, instead of getting a surprise at the check-out.

Think if you have room in the retail prices to add charges to the retail prices. Perhaps you can offer free shipping for all orders from $150? Calculate your average shipping cost and the average order amount and add your retail prices with the shipping expenses. It looks great to offer “Free shipping, for all your orders as from $150”.

Make shopping easy

How easy is it for the users of your hair and beauty store to add items to the cart and to go back to continue shopping? It is mentioned before but keep on trying to purchase your own products and see how smooth this process is. Try to avoid too many clicks.

Speed is king!

On mobile devices people should not wait too long to load a product page. The page should refresh as fast as your fingers can swipe! There are tools like on the website web.dev to check how fast your pages are loading and what causes the delay. Very often the images are too large for the device. Google is even using page load as one of the factors to rank your webstore.

Newsletters sign up

It is great to have a large email list. This will allow you to market your new arrivals to a large audience. But when everybody must sign up for the newsletter when they want to purchase your hair, they might bounce away form your site. Think about having the sign up after the sale is closed and offer a discount for the next order.

Are you being served?

Instore a store manager can help you when they see you got lost a little bit. That is their job, to make the purchase process hurdle free. Online you can offer a chat app. An application the visitors can use when they have a question or face a problem in the checkout process. Check the times your site is getting most visitors, google analytics can tell you. Make sure your chat tool is operational during those times. This is also a great way to learn where in the checkout process you can do some improvements.

What hair am I buying?

Make sure the visitors of the hair store, can see the hair and beauty products they bought. Add an image, a thumbnail, plus short product description to the cart. When they check the cart, they will feel confirmed with the image of what they bought and soon are going to receive! This keeps the desire for the product burning!

How long does it take to order the hair?

Nobody likes to wait, especially not when they want to enjoy that gorgeous hair. After the first click to add the hair in the cart, every single click is one too much. Help your users to know where in buying process they are. Inform them about the next steps to go before the check out is finished. When they know they are near to the end, they are more motivated to finish the process. Ask your webstore agent to work on this or contact me.
It has nothing to do with abandoned carts, but keep your clients informed about the shipment also after the check-out. Use track and trace so they can check at any time how long it will take before the hair arrives.

Some extra tips to reduce hair store cart abandonment

Have you thought about this?

  • Activate a pop up that appears when your visitors bounce away, without finishing the purchase. Offer them an extra discount to make sure they change their decision not to pay.
  • Retarget your audience, tools like mail chimp can work great by contacting people who decided not to finish the purchase.
  • What others bought! It always helps to add some social proof. Show the hair pieces others bought with their comment. Even if the person is not known, a review on social media will work out perfect.

Improve the processes 24h a day

The beauty of selling online is you can see the data behind the user behavior. You will be able to see the steps or better clicks, users took before they made a purchase or left the store. Tools like Google analytics will help you to understand user behavior. Check on a regular basis the flow and fix the events where a user leaves your site or takes a route that will not lead to a conversion. You can use A / B testing to use an assumption and to test if that assumption is true or false. Test singular changes so you can analyse where you can or should not improve things. Sometimes the change of color of a button can already have a significant impact.

Ask your clients, both the one who finished the purchase process and the ones that did not, reward them for thinking on how to improve the shopping experience. Their feedback is with gold! Gove them feedback on how you solved the issue, and they will be please to inform you about other unexpected process steps.

Tell me how your strategy is working

Let me know how these tips to reduce the hair store cart abandonment are working for you, I would love to discuss with you how to further improve your online hair sales!

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