How to start selling hair and make money fast

How to start selling hair and make money fast

How to start selling hair and make money

Christmas time is the time to reach out to each other. I receive a lot of emails from people who do not know how to start selling hair and to make money. I never counted them, but in 5 years that’s a lot of mails. I love to reply to these mails, and to offer my support on the comment or email. Or we talk on Skype to discuss market opportunities, how to be different or how to market the hair.

This morning, after Church, I was thinking how I can help you. If you visit my website and read this post, it’s likely you want to know how to start selling hair and to make money.

The key for success in this business is good quality hair at a price that allows you to make enough margin. In other words to earn a good profit as reward for the effort and risk you take. Because it’s Christmas I want to help you with some of the best hair suppliers.

Hair Wholesale Suppliers in exchange for a wish

I have a VIP service, to help you to get in touch with hair wholesale suppliers. For a small amount you get several wholesale suppliers in your inbox.

Till the 26th of December I am going to introduce you to Hair Wholesale Suppliers for free. All I ask you is to share a wish for the world or a specific group of people under this post.

If we all wish each other the best, the world will be a better place and more people will buy hair to look and feel good. So, we will all benefit!

leave a comment under this post!

You Still don’t Make Money with Your Passion for Hair? Why not, Others do!

You Still don’t Make Money with Your Passion for Hair? Why not, Others do!

“I have passion for hair, but no cash to start selling!”

It pains me, every time when I read this sentence or hear this cry for help.  Yeah, I have seen all three parts of the Nollywood bestseller A Cry for Help with Nkiru Silvanus.

It pains me. Not only because I am not Santa Claus. Also because I see enough women who manage to make money without selling hair. You too can make money with your passion for hair! You only need to have passion! And this I can tell by experience most of you have plenty!

The art, because that is what story telling is, is to inspire people. Make the creative part of their brains work. If you know how to tell stories to your kids and they keep on staring at you with their big eyes. If you know how to calm down your ten cousins when they are together breaking down the house. You now how to keep the attention of your audience and to inspire them with your passion for hair.

How does it work?

Out there are many women looking for answers. They all want to look good. They want to buy a wig, or hair extensions for the first time or they want to go natural and need a protective hair style. They have plenty of questions but not all the answers.

And there you come in, you have tons of ideas. You have the passion to find the answer on any question you never heard before.

All you need is to combine this, the questions of your audience and the answers you got.

Start a hair blog

Okay, it would be great if your sugar daddy gave you a off the rack hair store. But still you would not sell anything because you need people who trust you.  People who believe in the quality of the hair you sell.

An awesome way to build that trust between you and your audience is to start a hair blog. On the hair blog, or beauty blog you can help people. You will be able to create a community. A community of loyal followers.

Start with a content campaign. Define, based upon the needs of your audience, one or two topics. For example, how to buy hair extensions. The next step is to decide what the single items are that are relevant to discuss about the topic “How to Buy Hair Extensions”.

Suppose you have different items, like buy online, how to test the hair and maintenance. Now you can start to prepare the blog posts for each of these items. The next step is to plan when you want to publish the posts and ready you are!

Make money with your blog

Okay, nice people who follow, but why would you invest all the time and effort in a hair blog. One, because it will give you a network of future clients. Once you are ready to sell hair, you already have a big community of potential buyers. But two, you can monetarize your hair blog. You can start to sell advertisement space. AdSense for example from google, allows you to earn money with your blog.

All you need to do is to sign up for an AdSense account and to activate the advertisements. AdSense will place advertisements based upon the visitor’s needs. So, if you have a hair blog, you will see advertisements about hair on your blog. This is a great method to support your ideal readers even better.  Every time when they visit your blog, the can not only read your blog, but they can also find relevant stores. For every click or view you can earn money. You have happy readers of your blog and you can start to save money for your next adventure the hair store.

Do You want to start making money with passion for hair

Ready to start earning money with your passion, start a hair blog now and claim your hair blog name in the widget below.

Claim your domain and start a blog today! Making cash in a legal way was never this easy!


Make More Profit, Selling Hair Abroad as Chinese Hair Supplier

Make More Profit, Selling Hair Abroad as Chinese Hair Supplier

Home 9 2016 ( Page 2 )

Make More Profit, Selling Hair Abroad


Why Hi Friend kills the deal!

Every week a store selling hair in the United Kingdom receives at least 10 emails from Chinese Hair Suppliers. All the emails come from people and companies they never heard of before. Most of these mails start with “Hi Friend”!  The hair store need another hair supplier and they prefer Chinese Hair. But the reader considers the tone of theses mails as unappropriated. A clear lack of understanding of the western culture. Many perceive to call them your friend at the first contact as unpleasant. You can offer the best hair at the best price, but you will never be able selling hair to somebody you offended.

Another true-life story

Sheila, a hair reseller based in Atlanta, needs a high-quality hair supplier. Sheila searches the internet for hair suppliers. She finds a Chines company, let’s say Beijing Hair with the hair she is looking for. A perfect match, she loves selling hair from this company. She mails the company, to experience the communication skills. And to get more insight in how this new company operates. In return she receives an email written in poor English and not answering her questions at all. The Chinese company is only interested in the lengths and texture of the hair she needs. It is clear they only want her to place the order. They only want selling hair. Nothing that refers to her questions, nothing that shows interest in her position. Now Sheila is disappointed and frustrated.  She decides to look for again another supplier and to forget this hair supplier.
Two examples you can learn from to do better than the competition and to make more money selling hair.

Price opportunity selling hair abroad

In the United States and Europa women pay in a shop 3 to 5 times the wholesale price for a bundle of hair. All they want is to trust the source of the hair before they buy. If you want to get your fair share of the market and to make more profit, all you need to do is to invest in trust. You will see the impact in your higher sales!

Selling hair outside China thanks to our experience

Over 5 years HowToSellHairExtensions is supporting businesses in the hair industry. We have a free Blog, different Business Plans and Coaching, website design and many more services. Our clients operate in the United States, Europe, Africa and China. We work in a multi-cultural business environment and understand and communicate in many languages. This opens doors to hair resellers and stylists in all continents and many countries.

Western culture

The western style of marketing and website design is to connect with your clients. Share information on website and social media, educate your client. A well-informed client appreciates your services. Now this client is willing to buy from you, because they trust you. They feel you are client focused.

Invest in relationship

Successful wholesale suppliers increase their profit by investing in a relationship with their clients.  Difficult to know what is the interest of your clients in Europe or the United States?  We understand the culture and needs of your clients. We support them to start and grow their hair business and to find good quality hair. We write the content your target audience searches on the internet. Write all your sales and marketing communication to enchant your target audience. Do not annoy them. Use Content Marketing to publish content about the content your ideal client is interested in at the time they are interested!
Connect with potential buyers in the stage before they are ready to buy but only need information. Start to build confidence long before the competition even knows about the client. Your potential client will find you and your product offering again when they are ready to buy. Because you have built a good relationship already and you are a trusted supplier. Your sales will be more successful than the competition.

Make more money month after month

Do you want to make more money? Month after month with your client in the center. Contact me and we can work out a tailor-made marketing plan to boost your sales.


10 tricks to hack the mind of your visitors and sell more hair

10 tricks to hack the mind of your visitors and sell more hair

What would be your counter offer for a trick to sell more hair? And what if I share 5 tricks with you that work all the time? Tricks that work because they use the behavior and attitude of the human brain. No visitor of your shop or website will be safe!
Let me know in the comments and if there is enough interest for this, I will even double my offer and share with you 10 (!) tips to trick the mind of your ideal client!
Who’s first, …   you?

Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

Why does your hair extensions website drives visitors away?

I still can’t believe why people with so much passion for beauty create hair extensions websites that drives away visitors. You might think a hair extensions seller will cherish every visitor. Even stronger, every hair extensions website owner should invest in loyal visitors.

The last 5 years I have seen over 2,000 hair extensions sites in many different designs. Websites from Bigcartel or Wix, but also own designs. Some websites really outperform, but too bad there are also a big number of websites that under perform. Websites with more potential to attract en keep visitors.

Because a hair extensions website that under performs to attract new visitors or keeping visitors returning, has much in common with other sites. I started to keep a small list. This list you can get as a handy cheat sheet when you design or re design your website.

It’s a free overview for you with my main observations, from rather obvious like the names of the pictures you publish on your site to shop owners who prefer to stay anonymous.

Fill in the form and get the Download now, it’ s free!

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