Give your visitors a reason to stay on your page, create a blog!

Give your visitors a reason to stay on your page, create a blog!

Home 9 Tag: Hair Brand ( Page 3 )

Visitors on your website need time to understand how to find the hair or wigs they are looking for. The longer they stay, the more comfortable they feel and the higher the chance of a purchase. Nice images, gorgeous hair pics help a lot. But there is more to keep visitors on your website.

You can create a blog and keep the attention of your website visitors by offering insight in hair trends. Do not let them bounce away from your website. Offer interesting content, next to your awesome pictures of hair extensions and happy clients.

Take your visitors with you on your journey full of hair and happy people. Make sure your write what they like, and you will build a strong network of happy followers. Plus, you will climb up in the search engine rankings, like Bing and Google. For search engines it is important your webpages have interesting content. When visitors stay longer on your hair blog, means you offer fresh and relevant content.

How do you create a blog?

First off all you should have passion for what you write about and the people that are going to read it. No passion, no loyal readers. Create a blog only when you have something to tell that comes from your heart.

A blog is two-way traffic; you have to engage with your audience. Your blog post should invite readers to react, to share their opinion. This will not only create a great cliff hanger, because they want to know your response. You will also get free insight in what your potential clients are thinking. Now you can fine tune your next blog post, but more important your product offering too! That means higher sales!

Your posts should not only have enough words, with 300 as the absolute minimum, but also a nice looking picture and designed for search engine optimization (SEO). Follow a certain frequency when you post. So your audience can start to expect your postings and they will look forward to see the next post!

The result? Now, more people looking for hair will find your website and they will spend more time with your hair brand. So, the next time they want to purchase hair, they think of your hair brand!

Nice, but!

Nice, but where to find the time to write? You have a hair store to run, clients to deal with, suppliers to manage and perhaps you also have another job, family or business to take care of?

Should you forget about to create a blog as a great way to boost your sales and profit? No, why not benefit from my passion for hair and hair extensions and start-ups and let’s together do the writing?

You share your ideas and me and my team create the post, check our page full with support for hair store owners

You can stop anytime you want, and there is no yearly fee. So absolute freedom for you!

Do you want to earn your money by selling hair?

Get a free trial of your own Shopify Store and start selling hair now!

Open a free hair store with free marketing

Open a free hair store with free marketing

Take your free marketing to a next level and expand your hair business for free

Your hair brand promoted for free on my website and social media is a great way to tell the world about your hair store. But there is much more to gain for you. I offer you the next level in working together with How To Sell Hair Extensions, because after free marketing for eight weeks follows selling! You get an extra hair store for free, from sales to cash!

Keep it simple

A lot of hair stores miss sales because consumers felt they had to click too many times to actually place their purchasing order. Nothing wrong with your brand, your price is affordable and of course the quality is great, but still no sales because it took too many clicks. Market surveys from agencies like Nielsen show consumers prefer to click as little as possible to do their purchase. Regardless if we talk about stuff on Amazon, your newsletter or your hair extensions.

Women who visited the your  special page on How To Sell Hair Extensions will love the pictures and will for sure be interested in your hair, but now they have to visit your website or Facebook page and then again they have to make their purchase decision. This leaves room to a lot of distraction and alternatives to cross their eyes and gone is your sales opportunity. No sales, despite the fact they really fell in love with your hair the first time.

I help you not only to market your hair, but also to sell it!

To help you, next to market your hair brand for free, I offer you the possibility to sell through HowToSellHairExtensions. On your special page, with your hair brand, you can now also publish your hair with a direct link to your Transactions, Inventory and Bookkeeping, or simpler from sales to cash! Your second store, but this time for free.

How does it work?

We all love to keep things simple, so me too kept is as simple as possible:
1. We publish the hair you want to sell on your special webpage on (you can put up to 10 items to sell)
2. You share a clear description of the hair extensions or hair care products with the price and shipping conditions
3. Customers purchase the hair from you if they click on the link (online sales and affiliate program E-junkie)
4. You receive the payment and order in real time in your account and email
5. You ship the order and
6. You have one happy customer more!

What does it bring you?

  1. You gain access for free to many more women looking for hair extensions, people who saw your store on YouTube or social media thanks to your special webpage.
  2. More people will know and talk about your hair brand, so more women want to lay their hands on your hair
  3. An extra hair store without spending money on your own special webpage, people will fall in love with your hair and like the story you tell
  4. State of the art sales and affiliate tool (E-junkie), that allows you to sell your hair at any other website, unlimited

How much does this cost you?

My aim is to support as many people as possible to start selling hair, so if possible I do things for free or at low cost.

  • The hair store on your special webpage on HowToSellHairExtensions is for free
  • E-junkie online sales system that allows you to sell your hair through your own website or on as many affiliates stores as you can find for only $ 0,5 per product you offer or USD 5 per month. You have a contract with e-Junkie.
  • Only for successful deals you share a 4% referral fee with me, so no deal no pay!


Contact me by mail or DM or visit our special page so we can discuss how you get more sales and cash!

I help you to sell

I help you to sell your hair

Stefan Franken

Hair and Makeup Company Names

Hair and Makeup Company Names

Home 9 Tag: Hair Brand ( Page 3 )

Hair and makeup company names

To pick awesome hair and makeup company names is one of the most fun parts of starting your own business. You are the boss, so you decide, right? Wrong, your hair company name is so important you have to take some guidelines into consideration before your start to tell everybody about the name of your hair and makeup company. See further for the guidelines from Brand Name Experts on how to find the best Company Name.

Your company name will be the very first potential customers will see about you, so make sure it’s a well-chosen name.

What is your mission

Every company needs to have a goal and mission, so before you start your own business you have to think about where your company stands for and how you want to achieve this. Are you a very innovative re-seller, make sure your clients who are sensitive for the latest evolution on the hair market feel at home with your brand. Do you want to put your passion and love for people to service women who suffer from hair loss, you have to share this through your name.

Hair and makeup company names

Maestro, music please

Dim all the lights, get yourself a nice drink, light some candles and play your favorite music, because now you are starting a creative process, write down all ideas that pop up in your head:

  • Your own name
  • Synonyms
  • Popular phrases
  • Play word games
  • Words in foreign languages, like in French
  • Anything that comes from the creative part of your mind

Make sure not to drink too much, because you will use this list later in the full light to compare them with some guidelines.


Did you turn on the light again? Now we are going to use some guidelines to select a hair company name, this is serious business.

Are you allowed to use the name?

First of all, now you have a list of probably 15 to 20 names, you have to check if you are allowed to use the names from a legal point of view. Check with your chamber of commerce for example if the names are not already taken. This avoids a great loss of time and money, because the town is never big enough for two hair companies named TheBestHairofThisTown.

Can your name be remembered?

Please think again why you need a name for your hair brand or hair and makeup company, because you want people to find and remember you, right? If your hair company name is too difficult to note or to pronounce, people will give up the effort to remember it and gone is your first client.

Nothing bad if you have to explain your name, but make sure your clients will understand the link between your goal and mission and the hair company name. For my first company I selected some letters of the first names of my four kids, Maxime, Naomi, Chantal and Raymond and this gave me ‘MaNaChaRay’ , it looked great, but except for myself nobody could pronounce the name and my explanation did not turn a smile on the face of any client. Lovely kids but bad idea for a business.

Do not forget the internet

Okay you might have a smaller number of potential names left by now. Now take into account how people will try to search for you once they heard somebody telling them about your hair company. How will they note your name, is it easy to spell or will it be difficult for them? You do not want to lose people because they misspell your company name and end up with the competition, do you?

The same goes for the yellow pages off course.

Talking about the internet, avoid to use a name that starts with the same wordings as other hair companies. If you selected TheBestHairofThisTown and the domain already exists, you will be in a serious competition if you name yourself

Use the tool below to check the availability of your name on the internet.

CHECK and CLAIM your domainname and brandname BEFORE ANOTHER does

Wait before to do a shout-out

Now you did nearly everything that is needed to pick the best hair and makeup company names, but before you do a shout-out, please

  • Make sure your name is not related to a product or service you do not want to be linked to, there are a lot of girls with the beautiful Egyptian name Isis, meaning throne and it would not be bad for a hair selling business, but many people doubt if this is still a smart name to use.
  • Ask your family or friends what they think of the name, do not tell them it was your idea, because than your mother will like it anyhow, but go for the most critical response.

Did you pass the test?

If your name did pass all the testing and you selected the best of all hair and makeup company names it’s time to register your domain, to open a Facebook page, a Twitter and Instagram account and do not forget Pinterest. Please do not forget to share your name with me so I can help you to give your name the recognition it deserves and let me do the shout-out!

Boosting your hair extension sales in 10 steps after the grand opening!

Boosting your hair extension sales in 10 steps after the grand opening!

Home 9 Tag: Hair Brand ( Page 3 )

Boosting your hair extension sales after the Grand Opening

Boosting your hair extension sales after you launched your hair store helps to stay in business. Selling hair only is fun, when you succeed in getting new clients all the time.

Did you, after all your friends bought your extensions, also open a Facebook page as the first step to put your hair extensions for sale? But how are you going to reach your audience, how are you going to improve your sales?

If you are online with your sales, sales do not come to you, you need to attract traffic to your Facebook page or newly installed web shop. You can start to use paid advertisements and pay for every person who clicks on it. But you need to be sure the advertisement attracts only people from your target group. If not, they just click away, or bounce as the experts call it, if they see your site and decide this is not what they were looking for. In that case you do not only loose the money for the advertisement, you also loose a potential client. So it’s very important to have the right advertisement visible for the people who are searching for your hair products.

So what else you can do to attract more traffic (people) to your Facebook page or website? Here are 10 steps that will boost your online hair extensions sales

1 Free Shipping

If you have any business card or flyer put a free shipping coupon code on it. If you distribute your card or flyer while at a party or just in the shopping mall to girls interested in extensions, you know you get in contact with the right audience of hair loving women and even more important. You give them an extra good reason to visit your online shop! People do not like to pay for shipping, so they will be interested in your offer. Make sure you include in your selling price a margin for shipping; this will allow you to sell without the need to add that extra charge. And your sales will increase because you sell free of shipping, which seems to be cheaper.

2 Make Your Clients Eager to buy

If you offer a discount, make sure there is a time frame of two or three weeks before the offer expires. After all you do not want your clients to keep on postponing their visit to your shop, you want them to come and visit your shop while they are still hot

3 Refresh your Images

Make sure you keep on putting fresh pictures on your web shop. If your new shipment with new inventory arrived, share it with your audience and by doing so make them your clients. Make sure you post, tweet or shout the next two weeks about your new shipment with a direct link to your website

4 Go Social, but pick the right platform

As people often use various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc.) just post every day one message. Surveys shows specially women have a preference for Instagram and Pinterest, so make sure you are present on these platforms.

5 Email will help boosting your hair extension sales

If people order online or if they ask you questions make sure you record their email address. With the email address of people who bought from you before, you have a marketing treasure. First because these people already know your shop and the products you sell and you know exactly where to find them, in their own inbox! Tell them first about special offers, give them a coupon code as present, or just give them an update of what’s going on in your shop and the big hair extensions business. This will make sure they will not forget you if they are again interested to buy hair. Make sure it is easy for them to get unlisted from your mailing list, this is law but you do not want to irritate people with your products


Do you want to earn your money by selling hair?

6 Keep it simple

Communicate to your clients in simple words. Everybody should understand for example your return policy. Do not try to make it a legal document, because that will only attract lawyers while you are looking for women that want to buy your hair

7 Let Your visitors fall in love

Once a potential client arrives on your web shop the selling should begin, so let them go to your offers right away. Let them first fall in love with your hair wefts and then start to register them

8 Shopify will help boosting your hair extension sales

The deal should be closed right away. If you use a payment provider, your clients can close the deal in one click instead of performing multiple tasks with the risk they loose interest. Shopify has a professional payment system for nearly all payment providers, both for instore and online. Shopify is the number 2 ecommerce platform, supported with apps used by many hair stores

9 Keep Your Business Online

Make sure your website is hosted with a specialist and not a cheap company without service. If you start losing clients because the site is offline your will never see them back, but you still have to pay the monthly payments for the hosting company. We recommend providers like Bluehost. Register with BLUEHOST to benefit from the low price and excellent service.

10 Any Question feel free to ask

Keep on checking our website for any news and tips on how to boost your sales. If you have any question feel free to ask.

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