Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Waiting for your IRS refund, start your own hair brand now!

Opportunity comes but once, and your tax refund is one of these moments. You want to be financially independent, talk hair and sell your own hair brand, but never had enough money? You always have bills to pay, mouths to feed and other things that burn your cash?

At the start of this year I promised to help you. If you want to start selling your own hair brand in 2017, I am here to support you. Invest your tax refund, or a part of it, in your dream, in your own future and start that business.

With the proper planning, reliable hair suppliers, your love for hair and your tax refund you can make it all happen this time. 2017 is the year of the launch of your hair brand.

Do not wait again another year, do not think of an excuse not to invest in yourself. You deserve better and I cleaned up my calendar to support you. So what’s holding you back?

What to do to start your own hair brand

Let me go against the advice of many Marketing Guru’s and instead of only one option, I let you decide to pick the best out of three option for you. Do not be confused and bounce away from this post. Read till the end of this post if you want to start your own hair brand in 2017.

Okay, there are three options, to start selling with your own brand of hair extensions.

Option A. Sign up for introductions to hair suppliers, I created a special page and all you must do is to fill in a simple form and press submit. That’s all, and you get a reliable supplier in your inbox or WhatsApp. Do not forget to take your copy of my eBook “From Dream to Your Own Hair Extensions Business, in Only 10 Days” on your way out. This will help you to be different and to sell more.

There is more,

Option B. You can get several hair wholesale suppliers in your inbox or WhatsApp, but now with my full support as mentor, free promotions, guides on how to sell hair and much more supporting material. A complete kit to start selling hair including hair suppliers and samples.

For this option, I ask you 29 dollars in exchange, but you will make your first profit right away because this package is worth so much more. For example, 30 minutes’ free call to discuss with your own mentor the best steps to create your own brand.

And the third and last option is to tell your best friend about this opportunity and to buy your hair in the future from her. After all, best friends support each other, always right!

Okay, tell me do you want to spend your tax refund on your own future your own hair brand, or do you prefer to wait another year.

I recommend to invest in yourself, because your tax refund only comes once a year. You agree, then click on your option to start a hair business.

Option A All by yourself or Option B With my support

Learn how to sell or buy the best wholesale hair extensions

Learn how to sell or buy the best wholesale hair extensions

Do you want to sell or buy the best wholesale hair extensions?

What’s going on in the hair extensions business? Lately the number of inquiries for a wholesale hair extensions supplier has been exploding!

Never so many start- ups and re-sellers contacted me for a hair supplier. They all want to find the best hair extensions.

The explanation is, this year again there will be an increase of stores opening their doors. They all need the best wholesale hair extensions to meet the demand of their clients and to make a nice profit.

Do you want to sell or buy hair extensions?

It’s hard to believe. Last week I had a conversation with a nice girl who shared with me she was planning to start selling hair for 3 years already ! She had the passion and now together we are going to make this year the year of the launch of her hair store. For sure there are many more women with passion who wait year after year.

After they received the email from the wholesale suppliers, they start to doubt. Doubts:

  • about if they will find the right clients,
  • about if they can make a nice website,
  • if they are ready to sell hair and,
  • about the money.

So many doubts and so many lost opportunities. But contrary to most problems they face, they keep all these doubts for themselves. They do not talk. They keep on dreaming and will never feel the energy and happiness of success.

This is exactly your business opportunity. All those women who have doubts will never enter the hair market as your competition. Better you can turn them into your clients! Include them in your marketing message. You can engage with them;easy, because you know exactly what the face and what they need.

Talk hair with your wholesale supplier

The only thing you must do different is, if you have doubts, if you are not sure, to start the conversation. Talk with the hair supplier. Ask for their advice, look for ways to work together to get happy clients and a nice margin. Benefit from the experience of your hair supplier, who talks daily to so many hair re-sellers.

I don’t want you to keep on dreaming and to keep on buying your hair from other successful store owners the rest of your life.

If you prefer to share your doubts to start selling with me, please feel free to leave a comment or to app me (see green button). Do not wait any longer and start selling now!



Home 9 Tag: hair suppliers ( Page 3 )

Make More Profit, Selling Hair Abroad as Chinese Hair Supplier

Why Hi Friend kills the deal!
为什么朋友,你好的开头 让交易泡汤?

Every week a store selling hair in the United Kingdom receives at least 10 emails from Chinese Hair Suppliers. All the emails come from people and companies they never heard of before. Most of these mails start with “Hi Friend”! The hair store need another hair supplier and they prefer Chinese Hair. But the reader considers the tone of theses mails as unappropriated. A clear lack of understanding of the western culture. Many perceive to call them your friend at the first contact as unpleasant. You can offer the best hair at the best price, but you will never be able selling hair to somebody you offended.


Another true-life story
Sheila, a hair reseller based in Atlanta, needs a high-quality hair supplier. Sheila searches the internet for hair suppliers. She finds a Chinese company, let’s say Beijing Hair with the hair she is looking for. A perfect match, she loves selling hair from this company. She mails the company, to experience the communication skills. And to get more insight in how this new company operates. In return she receives an email written in poor English and not answering her questions at all. The Chinese company is only interested in the lengths and texture of the hair she needs. It is clear they only want her to place the order. They only want selling hair. Nothing that refers to her questions, nothing that shows interest in her position. Now Sheila is disappointed and frustrated. She decides to look for again another supplier and to forget this hair supplier.


Shelia ,来自亚特兰大的假发代理商,需要高质量的头发供应商。Shelia 在网上寻找头发供应商。她找到了一个中国公司,比方说北京假发公司有shelia 要找的假发,她想卖这家的假发。她发邮件到这家公司,想体验业务的交流技巧,并且从交流中能了解这家新的供应商是怎么运作的。反过来她收到的是很蹩脚的书面英文邮件并且完全没有回答她的问题。这家公司只对她要的假发长度和曲度感兴趣,非常明显只想让她下单,并没有站在她的立场上去考虑,此刻sheila 很失望。他决定重新再找另外一家供应商忘掉之前的假发供应商

Two examples you can learn from to do better than the competition and to make more money selling hair.
Price opportunity selling hair abroad 卖假发到国外价格优势
In the United States and Europa women pay 3 to 5 times the wholesale price for a bundle of hair. All they want is to trust the source of the hair before they buy. If you want to get your fair share of the market and to make more profit, all you need to do is to invest in trust. You will see the impact in your higher sales!
美国和欧洲的女士需要付3-5 倍的批发价格买1条假发,在她们购买之前需要对头发的来源信任,如果你想得到公平的假发市场份额和赚更多的利润,你所需要做的就是投资信任。并且你可以看到更多销售的影响。
Selling hair outside China thanks to our experience 多亏了我们的经验卖假发到国外

Over 5 years HowToSellHairExtensions is supporting businesses in the hair industry. We have a free Blog, different Business Plans and Coaching, website design and many more services. Our clients operate in the United States, Europe, Africa and China. We work in a multi-cultural business environment and understand and communicate in many languages. This opens doors to hair resellers and stylists in all continents and many countries.
HowToSellHairExtensions 致力于假发产业5年多,我们有免费的博客,不同的商业计划指导,网站设计和其他的服务。我们的顾客遍布美国,欧洲,非洲,中国。我们处在多文化的商务环境并且能用多种语言交流,这就为各大洲和各个国家的假发中间上和发型师提供了平台

The western style of marketing and website design is to connect with your clients. Share information on website and social media, educate your client. A well-informed client appreciates your services. Now this client is willing to buy from you, because they trust you. They feel you are client focused.

Successful wholesale suppliers increase their profit by investing in a relationship with their clients. Difficult to know what is the interest of your clients in Europe or the United States? We understand the culture and needs of your clients. We support them to start and grow their hair business and to find good quality hair. We write the content your target audience searches on the internet. Write all your sales and marketing communication to enchant your target audience. Do not annoy them. Use Content Marketing to publish content about the content your ideal client is interested in at the time they are interested!
成功的供应商会通过投资建立起和客户的良好互动,很难知道欧美客户对什么感兴趣? 我们了解客户的文化和需求。我们为他们的业务起步和发展提供支持,并且提供支持帮他们找供应商。我们会写你的目标客户的内容,写销售和营销交流来吸引你的目标客户是,并且不会让他们觉得不舒服或者不合适。利用内容营销来发布你理想的客户感兴趣的帖子来吸引客户

Connect with potential buyers in the stage before they are ready to buy but only need information. Start to build confidence long before the competition even knows about the client. Your potential client will find you and your product offering again when they are ready to buy. Because you have built a good relationship already and you are a trusted supplier. Your sales will be more successful than the competition.
Make more money month after month
Do you want to make more money? Month after month with your client in the centre. Contact me and we can work out a marketing plan to boost your sales.

你希望数月之后赚更多的利润吗? 几个月之后以你的客户为中心,赶紧联系我们,我们会为你量身定制营销计划来提高你的销量

Remy Hair still in demand?

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Small Business Ideas in Nairobi

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I am trying to find a wholesale vendor

How to find a wholesale vendor? A very important question because the wholesale supplier will make or break the success of your hair extensions store.

Are you also 5 people in one, go for time management

Are you also 5 people in one, go for time management

Time management for hair store owners

Last week I spoke a nice woman, let’s call her Sandra, and she was the proud hair store owner. We had a chat about the business opportunities in her market. She wanted to grow her business, sales have been lacking behind expectations.

We discussed how she could, next to her online store, organize some events, with local hair salons or at the home of some of her clients. The hair business is all about trust and with an online store it’s not always that easy to convince your visitors to buy your hair.

It helps to market the hair, if you wear it and show it on public events, but also if you organize special events for your existing clientele who can invite their friends.

Sandra was enthusiastic, but she hesitated also. She told me she was five people in one, since she started selling hair. She was:

  1. in charge of the inventory, looking for suppliers and checking the hair
  2. dealing with customers as sales person
  3. busy with the payments and bookkeeping
  4. very busy trying to be social on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and
  5. all the other stuff a shop owner has to do

and now she needed to organise events?

It was just too much, she admitted it was a good thing to do, but Hey she was not with 5 people, it was only her!

I gave her some advice on time management, sometimes you need to spent time to win time.

Time management is about organizing and planning the tasks you have to do, so even if you are not 5 people or more in one, you still can much more than only one person can do.

First of all, do your brains a favor

Your brains keep track of everything you have been doing, are doing and will be doing in the future. A great way to relax your precious brains is to make use of an agenda, and other filing system. This can be on paper or in the cloud, as long as you register your appointments a.s.a.p. in that calendar. Things to do for a client, do not keep it in mind, but place it in your calendar, client file or customer relations management system.

Free up space in your brains, because instead of remembering all the things to do, you only will remember to check on a regular basis your calendar or customer relations system. Do you see the benefit of time management already?

Make appointments with yourself

What you do if you have meetings with clients, or suppliers? You block time in your agenda, nobody will disturb you anymore at that time of the day. So you can focus on the meeting. Perfect and very productive. But why you do not block time in your calendar for meetings with the boss of your hair store? If you have to prepare a new marketing campaign, why should it be of less importance than a meeting with a client? Block the time in your agenda to think, research, analyse and plan your marketing campaign. This will increase the productivity of working on that campaign, and the result will be much higher than when you do it in between other important things.

Use every second if it’s your last

The world is mobile, your clients visit your website while they are stuck in a traffic jam, order the hair will they wait for their kids to leave school. What about you?  If you have to wait in the shop to buy office supplies, what do you do? If you have to travel and you have some time between two connections? What do you do? You quickly call that client who you couldn’t call earlier, right?

Wrong, your client is the most important person in your business life, sorry boss. So she or he deserves your full attention and preparation. Instead to make quick unprepared call with your client, better to use the time in between other things to prepare your campaign, to eavesdrop on people talking about hair or other stores. Make notes to use later and your marketing campaign will be much more enriched. Call your client when you are back in the office or store and read the files before you call.

If you still lack time, and you want to grow your business with a marketing campaign more social media presence or any other support to grow your business call your coach. You are not alone!

How to have enough hair at hand but at limited hair inventory

How to have enough hair at hand but at limited hair inventory

Home 9 Tag: hair suppliers ( Page 3 )

Limit your hair inventory

A shop full of hair extensions, different textures, different lengths and everything available that’s what most of your clients are looking for. But how much money can you afford to keep that such a huge level of hair inventory in the house? And what if it takes a long time before your 24″ and taller lengths are sold. You can´t spend money that is invested in your hair inventory.

So what would be the right balance between a hair inventory at hand that you can use to satisfy the needs of your clients at the moment they want to buy and a limited amount invested in your stock.

hair inventoryFirst of all start to make sure you keep record of your hair inventory. This will learn you over time the required level of stock. You will see over time at what occasions or seasons a specific time of hair is in demand. Knowing this you can anticipate on this when purchasing hair.

Also if you do not want to sell “no” to your clients or to ask them to wait a few days, you can buy smart lengths. This is buying lengths that will allow you offer two lengths; all you have to do is to talk the client into the right length or texture.

Make sure you always have some 14 inch, 18 inch and 22 inch of length as your hair inventory. If your client is looking for 12 inch for example, she can buy the 14 inch and trim it to the right length. You can decide to offer her a small discount if she buys the taller length, but do not be surprised your client is so much in buying hair she will except the beautiful 14 inch just like that. The same goes for the 18 inch for clients looking for 16 inch.

If your client is in the mood to buy new hair, she does not want to wait; this helps to let her decide to buy a longer length. But sometimes it helps to offer her a small compensation, a discount or free hair product.

Based upon your experience you can also keep taller lengths at hand, but this depends on the needs of your clients.

For the texture, it´s mostly wavy or natural curly that is in demand, but keep an eye on the celebs. They will tell you what will become hot, so you can anticipate deep curls if famous celebs suddenly change her style into deep curls.

Check for hair extensions suppliers who are able to keep an adequate level of hair inventory themselves. This will reduce your own stock.

Would You Like to Make $ 30.000/month for Only $ 29/month?

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