How much money you make selling hair?

How much money you make selling hair?

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How much money you make selling hair?

How much money can you make selling hair? To answer this question, there are many things that you must take into consideration. Like the market price, the vendor price, and your own expenses. Selling hair can be a very profitable business, but you need to do your math. You need to calculate well, especially when you start and have small orders.

How much can you receive when selling hair?

Let us start with the most important side of any hair business, your client. Not only to define your ideal client, but also because this person is the one that will pay you for the hair and services. The amount she or he will pay starts with your retail price. The price for your hair products on your webstore. When you client places the bundles, closure, or frontals in the cart, she will see the amount she has to pay for the hair.

Additional charges

Amazon forced us to offer free shipping, but when you prefer a low price for the hair bundles you sell, it is possible you must charge for shipping. This amount will be added during the checkout process. Please do not surprise your client by telling her the shipping expenses when she is ready to pay for the order. This surprise might be a reason for her to leave the webstore and you end up with an abandoned cart.

It is also possible you charge to dye the hair, or any other special treatment or service. These charges you add to the retail price.

Do you pay tax when selling hair

It all depends on your country and the tax law, but in most countries, you must calculate sales tax for the purchase of hair. This amount you must add to the amount you are going to charge your client. But this amount is not for you, you must pass it to your tax authorities. You only collect the money on behalf of the tax inspector.

How much can you receive selling hair?

Now you will have:

  • The price of the hair
  • Shipping charges
  • Other charges
  • Sales tax
    • The sum of these 4 is the total amount your client will have to pay, and you should receive. This is the invoice amount.

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How much do you have to pay for buying hair?

After your client and the competition, your hair vendor is the most important person in your business live. How much will you have to pay to your hair vendor?

This is not as simple as you might expect. It all starts with the selling price of the hair. Sometimes you can negotiate the price down, or you can get a lower price because you purchase a large quantity. Your hair vendor will have a price list they will share with you to let you know the prices per texture, length, and size. You can also expect a different price for colored hair.

The minimum order quantity for hair, or MOQ, is the lowest number of pieces or bundles you must buy to qualify for wholesale conditions. Of you do not reach the MOQ, you will pay a retail price. This might still allow you to make a profit, when you can find a client who values the hair at a higher price.

Additional charges

Now you must start to pay attention. You will not only have to pay for the hair, but you can also expect additional charges, like for shipping and payment. Please inform before you start to negotiate about the hair about additional charges. These expenses will reduce your profit if you are not able to charge them to your own client.

Shipment charges for hair and wigs

The shipment charges depend on how fast you want to receive the hair and wigs you ordered. Check with the hair vendor what the options are and what the price differences are. When you place your orders in time, you can save on shipping expenses, while still having the same quality of hair and wigs.

Payment charges for hair and wigs

The amount of the payment fee depends on the payment method. For PayPal you can expect a 4 to 5% charge, but when you go for western union, you will have to pay a fee to western union when you transfer the money. Here the same goes for the shipment, check with the vendor what the options are and decide about the savings. Please so not forget, using PayPal gives you buyers protection, while a payment via Western Union is a final deal. You will not get your money back from Western Union or Money Gram when you received bad hair.

Other charges for hair

It is possible your hair supplier will charge additional amounts for dying the hair, other textures, or other services.

How you must pay for buying hair form hair vendor?

Now you will have:

  • The price of the hair
  • Payment charges
  • Shipping charges
  • Other charges

The sum of these 4 is the total amount your will have to pay to your hair vendor. This is the purchase amount.

Import duties for hair extensions and wigs

Before you start to calculate your profit, you need to know your country might tax any strand of hair that enters the country. Most countries have import duties for the import of human or synthetic hair, wigs beards and other hair pieces. Check with your local customs about the level of these taxes.

It is important to understand you should pay these import duties, but sometimes due to the high level of parcels shipped between countries, it is possible you receive the hair without an additional charge for import duties. But please understand, when you are not charged for the hair with import duties, you are lucky, and you can most often keep the saving in your own pocket. When you must pay, that is normal and no bad luck. So, make sure you add these import duties in your calculations.

Handling fee

It is possible the postal service or the courier will charge you with a handling fee when they must fill the tax return for the import duties, these expenses you will have to take into consideration to.

How much is your gross profit selling hair

You have now all the information you need to calculate your gross profit. This is the difference between the money you receive from your clients and the money you must pay (or paid already) to your hair supplier. This difference is the gross profit, and this is not your profit! There is more to consider.

What are your business expenses selling hair?

For running your hair webstore, you will need a webstore, a hosting contract, a bookkeeper, advertisement, and business coaching for example. Depending on your situation you can have many more items you need, like a car or a location to store the hair. You need to add up all the expenses for these activities and obligations. The total amount of all your expenses, you need to divide over the budgeted hair purchase for the year. The outcome will give you a percentage, the total amount of expenses divided by the total amount of the hair you are going to buy.

This percentage is the mark-up for the expenses of having a hair store. This mark-up you will have to deduct from the gross profit you calculated before.

Congratulations you made a profit selling hair

When you deduct the mark up for expenses from the gross profit for the hair, you will now the calculated net profit you made on a certain sale of hair. When you budgeted your income and expenses for the year, you have also calculated your profit, The profit is the reward for yourself for taking the risk of having a business and a reward for the time and effort you have dedicated to the hair webstore.

In the ideal situation the calculated net profit margin is the same or above the budgeted profit. If not, you need to consider changing your pricing, or how much shipping and payment expenses you charge to your clients. Or even better you should negotiate a better price with your hair vendor.

Our all-in-one hair business package has the templates needed to calculate your sales, the hair price, your expenses and cashflow. I recommend getting the templates to always selling hair at a profit!

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How to tell Google to Rank Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave

How to tell Google to Rank Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave

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You found the best Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave in town, now you only must let the world know. In the olden days you would go to the marketplace, now we want Google to rank your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave!

How does Google rank hair?

Google, and Bing, use a lot of computers all over the world to pay a visit to all online stores, blog post and other things connected to the internet. How does Google know about your new website, or your latest new arrival, the Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave?

It is not that difficult for google to find, all they need is time and a lot of computers. They start with the online stores and other websites they already know. The websites they have visited before. They just follow the links between one webpage and the other. Every website is a collection of at least one, but more often many webpages. A webpage for every hair product you sell, your blogpost, the about us page and pages about privacy. For every topic you will have a separate webpage. All these webpages will have the same domain name, like,, etc. etc. Alle webpages with the same domain name, will form a website or webstore.

Google uses a search bot to visit your webpages. This is done using Googlebot, a tool to visit many, many web pages and to note the content of those webpages. Google will visit nearly all pages, but for example when the page is blocked for an anonymous user, like somebody who did not sign up for your wholesale section.

Get your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave on Google

There are several methods to help Google find your new hair product page:

Submit a sitemap of your complete online hair store
When you use WordPress/WooCommerce or Shopify, the platform has created the sitemap of your online hair store already. The sitemap is a kind of a roadmap and shows all the images, product descriptions, videos, and other elements plus the relationships between all these elements. It shows for example when a page was updated the last time, thus Google can find fresh content to show in the search results!

Tip! It is recommended to provide a sitemap to google when your webstore is new. Because hardly any existing website has a link to your new webstore, it will take long before Google has found your Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave, or other hair.
Tip! Create a logical internal linking structure. Internal links (links between web pages part of the same domain) are a great help to help Google understand the content and context of your web pages. You can make this natural by showing related products, or others bought also. But also, a link to the shipping page or maintenance information can be of great help.

Submit crawl requests for individual product pages, for example your new arrival Raw Vietnamese Straight Weave
In Google search Console, or Bing Webmaster Tool you can submit any new or changed web page. This will tell Google or Bing to visit these pages, the next time they search the internet for new content. This can take a couple of days or a couple of weeks. You cannot speed up this process. When you plan a new website or page around a certain day or event, make sure the pages are submitted a couple of weeks in advance. So, when you have a special Valantine’s page, do not wait till the day before Valentine.
Use a simple, human-readable, and logical URL paths for your pages and provide clear and direct internal links within the site
The best way to work on your SEO is to keep thinking and writing for humans. The name of your webpage should be easy to understand for people of flesh and blood. Use normal words. If possible, add the structure and when you want to separate words use hyphens – instead of underscores _ in the name of your page, the URL.
Use hreflang to point to alternate versions of your page in other languages
When you have a webstore that uses different languages, you could tell Google about these different variations. This will help Google Search to point users to the most appropriate version of your page by language.
Clearly identify your canonical page and alternate pages
Google wants to present unique content in their search results. But in your store, you might have multiple URL’s pointing to the same content. How to let Goole know what is the right page to visit and to check the content? Ear mark the right webpage as Canonical. When you use WordPress and the Yoast plugin this can be done using this plug in (see under the tab advanced).
View your crawl and index coverage using the Index Coverage Report.
In google search console there is a report that shows which pages are indexed well and how serious any issue is. You can see the page and the issues. You can work on this yourself or ask your website developer to work on this.

You prefer a professional client friendly online hair store?

These steps will help your site and product pages with new arrivals to be found and indexed by Google. Google and Bing index most pieces of content, like:

  1. hair product descriptions and text on other pages
  2. images of your hair extensions and wigs, using the meta-tags
  3. The structure, like title and headers.

This is also the time the search engines check if the content on a page is a supplicate or not. When you did not select the canonical page, google will do.

What more can you do to rank higher?

When you read an article on the internet or in a magazine, you want the information to be useful, original, and correct. The same goes for all your content on the hair store. The challenge is when you have many variations, and you publish every variation of the hair piece separately.
You must know your ideal client, what are the words she or he is using when searching on the internet. This helps not only when your clients search for the hair, it will also help them after they landed on your Raw Vietnamese Straight Hair page. You present the product description exactly how they like it. That increases the chance for a longer visit of your website and it will be more likely they will buy the hair.
Give structure, make all your titles and headers descriptive, and do not forget the alt attributes, like the description of the hair images. The structure should also be found in the hierarchy of your online hair store.

Check how the Googlebot can analyse the pages of your online store. Use in the Google search tool the live is analysing
To help Google fully understand your site’s contents, allow all site assets that would significantly affect page rendering to be crawled: for example, CSS and JavaScript files that affect the understanding of the pages. The Google indexing system renders a web page as the user would see it, including images, CSS, and JavaScript files. To see which page assets that Googlebot cannot crawl use the URL Inspection tool; to debug directives in your robots.txt file, use the robots.txt Tester tool.
Help visitors use your pages, the customer experience must be excellent also on your website.
Use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. If you must use images for textual content, use the alt attribute to include a few words of descriptive text.
Ensure that all links go to live web pages. Check on a regular basis if all the links work and the images still show.
Your online hair store should be mobile friendly and loading fast. Check if the site is performing well on desktop, tablet, and mobile phone. Use browsers like Firefox to test how your online hair store looks like on various devices.
Do not forget to ensure that your online hair store is useful for readers with visual impairments. Use alt text for images and make sure the colors used are visible for people who are color blind.

And now implement this!

When you have the design and maintenance of your website in your own hands, there is some work to do. It will be rewarding because it will help you not only to rank higher in the search results, but your clients will also be happier, and you will even get more clients. When you need help, let me know, I am here to help you growing your hair business.

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How to start a hair business that sells!

How to start a hair business that sells!

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You would like to know how to start a hair business, but you also want to keep your daytime job. After all, you do not know when you will earn enough when you start selling to quit your daytime job. And you do not know how much time you will need to keep your own hair line going and if your current job will leave you enough time. This post will help you to learn how to start a hair business next to your other job or school.

To start a hair line successfully forget the hair vendors

This might sound odd, but to start a hair line you do not need to think of the hair. It is because I want to start this post about how to start a hair business by telling you about the biggest mistake people make when they want to start selling hair. Never start with the hair, when launching a hair line.

Forget about the hair vendor if you want to know how to start a hair business. It is not the hair you buy, but the hair your clients want to buy that matters. Yeah, your clients, the people that will give you their hard earned money in exchange for a look and feel good experience, thanks to the hair they like! A product that is part of your hair line.

Too bad many sites, that also want to advice clients about how to sell hair extensions or wigs, make the same error. Or perhaps they tell you on purpose it is all about the hair they sell. They just want you to buy their hair, no matter what your clients need.

So please, forget the hair when you want to start a hair line, the basic of a good hair business is to start to put all your focus on the client.

Knowing how to start a hair business starts with the ideal Client

Your Ideal client is a fictional person. Please, do not stop reading now and click to another site that will tell you only their hair will make you successful. What I mean is you need to ask 20 or 30 people about their hair needs. Armed with their feedback you will be able to see what the most common need, challenge or goal is of the people you spoke with. This insight you will use to create one persona, your ideal client of your own hair line.

What would you like to know? In our all-in-one hair business package, we have a template that guides you. The questions mentioned in the template will help you to get the best idea about who your ideal client is (demographics, like age, family, geography, and cultural background). Although I prefer you invest in the all-in-one hair business package, I will tell you more about the ideal client now. I just want you to have the right start with your hair line. I really do not want you to spend your last money in hair nobody is going to buy from you. Simply because you did not define your ideal client.

Wat else you need to know. Well, what are the challenges your client face. Not only with the installment of the hair, but also with the buying experience. Was it easy for her to find the right store? How did she find this store? Social media, google or friends? This insight will help you to decide what channels you can use to reach her with your own hair line. When she uses Instagram to find information about fine hair, you should dedicate enough time to be on Instagram also. You must be where your ideal client is.

Further what is her goal, what does she wants to achieve with the hair product? You might think there is only one goal, and that is to look good. But there is so much more. A wig you can wear to quickly go out, weaves for your best friend’s wedding, a colored wig for a roleplay. There are so many goals and when you understand the goal of your client, you will be in a much better position to sell the hair. Why? Because you will offer the hair your ideal client is looking for!

Now you know your client, time for your move

Okay, when you know the background, needs and goals of your clients, it is time for your emotional skills. Try to discover what your client really wants. The idea behind the need. The stress behind the challenge. You know, your client is not looking for some strands of hair, not even for a bundle of Cambodian straight 14 inches. No, she is looking for an experience. The hair is a small part, but an important one, to reach a certain goal.

To know how to start a hair business, you need to know how to understand your ideal client. And when you understand your client, it is time for the creative part of your brains, you need to figure out what kind of solutions you can offer. What can you do, to help your Ideal client to reach her goal? Start to be creative and think out of the box. Any possible solution is allowed. Write every idea on a piece of paper or on your phone. There are no limits.

When you cannot think of any other solution, it is time to be rational. What is needed to offer these solutions and can you deliver these solutions. What is needed in terms of resources (like money), time and knowledge?

This will be your hair business basics for your store, the power to understand your clients needs and the skill to turn this understanding into a product your client wants to buy.

There is more to learn before you can start a hair line

Your clients might tell you what they need, but the competition, the other stores on the market selling hair can help you also to become successful. Once you know what your clients really need. Remember the idea behind the need. You can check on the competition to see if they have found a solution already. It will not always be easy to discover but the good thing of the internet is you can visit and analyze any hair and beauty store if you want. Image you visit a brick and mortar store. The owner of the hair store will tell you, that you are welcome and please feel at home. You can ask any question that pops up in your kind. Now you take a chair to see how clients behave, you the note all the hair prices, measure the length of the hair and check on the wigs. The owner will quickly ask you what you are doing, and you just answer, “I just want to know how to start a hair business just like yours!” How welcome will you feel now?

Check the other hair stores, see how many monthly visitors they have, what their clients are looking for (keywords) and see the price level of their hair and beauty products. On social media you can even see more questions their clients ask. Do not forget to check the design of the store. What do you like, how catchy are the images of the hair and the models and what is the menu structure of the online hair store?

Learn from this, most of it is for free and it helps you to finetune your service and product offering for your hair brand. You now know what they want, and you know how other hair businesses try to meet their needs.

Now finally it is time to visit the hair vendors, because now you know what your clients need, and at what prices the other hair stores, is offering the hair.

You want Your Own Fast Selling WooCommerce Webstore?

It is time for talking to hair vendors!

I recommend visiting my post about the 40 questions you can ask wholesale hair vendors. Thanks to this extensive list of questions, you will save time and you can be sure, when you end the conversation with the hair vendors you have the right insight about the hair they offer and the conditions they sell the hair.

Tell the world you are selling hair and wigs

Now you got all the essential basics for your hair business in place. You know who wants to buy hair from you, you know what hair to sell, and you have the best hair vendor for the hair you are going to sell. Now only one thing is missing, you must let the world know you are in the hair business. Your need your own hair store, an online hair store that will be the head office of your hair line.

Design an Ecommerce business, that will have all the components you liked of the competition. You have studied them a lot, so you know how your hair store should look like.
You need a page that shows the collections. A collection is a group of hair products. These collections or categories in Woocommerce will make it easier for your client to choose the hair products they want. Make it easy for your clients to shop in your hair and wig store. Do not show them products they are not looking for now. But help them by grouping the hair pieces, weaves, extensions, and wigs. Show the collections in your menu and home page and create a page for every collection.

Add information on the collection page about the hair you offer and make sure t looks appealing. Not only hair bundles, but also images, videos, and stories about that group of hair.

Give your visitor the impression she knows how she will look when she has received the hair.

Tell the world about your mission and vision on the hair business with a great about us or about me page. You know how to start a hair business, so tell the visitors why you started selling hair. Make sure the story is not only about you and your achievements. You started with the client and make sure she knows your store is all about her needs, challenges, and goals. You only have the solution for her, your hair!

Of course, if you like to share your expertise and the trends in the hair business, you could also start a blog. This is a great way to entertain and educate your visitors and clients. Remember, visitors need to hear about you several times before they will start to think buying hair from you. A blog and of course new images of hair will keep your site interesting enough for people to return. That is what you need, returning visitors.

And, you already know enough on how to s tart a hair business or you are ready to learn about the last three steps?

social media

Social media, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok are great platforms that will help you to engage with your ideal client. Do not only share images of your latest hair offer, but also add information and entertainment. Act in a similar way as if you would have a brick and mortar store. You would also chat about other things, and not only about hair, right. Thanks to your ideal client profile you know what the interest are, and the cultural background. Feel free to use this insight to post, next to hair pieces, hair extensions, and wigs.

Social media is not one way traffic, off course you reply to comments if appropriate, but you can also like and comment on postings of your clients who follow you. This will create a relationship, but you must avoid it starts to feel you are stalking your clients. You do not need the ideal client template to understand this.

Do not neglect the packaging of the hair

When you have your first sale, you will first jump in the hair, and you get my congratulations. But now you need to post the hair to your first client. What is the best packaging for the hair? The packaging of the hair has two reasons. First, you want your precious hair to be protected during the shipment. You do not want the hair to be damaged by the post or courier. That will disappoint your client and you will have to take care of another shipment. No good, so select a packaging for the hair that will give maximum protection.

The other reason to package the hair is because you can advertise for free. Imagine your client to receive the hair while she has her friends visiting her. These friends will not only see the joy the receipt of your hair will cause, but they will also see your brand name. They will not even have to ask, your company name on the packaging will give them something to search on later. They will search for your online hair store to find hair they like! All you must do is to add your brand name on the packaging for the hair.

Of course, you consider our environment, so, if possible, no plastic. There are awesome solutions in other materials, a great way to show your clients you are interested in their wellbeing in the long run too.

Grow your hair line

Now you have everything working you can really start to make your hair store grow. Use the footprint of your visitors of your online store that is visible in Google Analytics. See where they leave your store and find solutions to keep them. Like better navigation, another hair image, or an internal link to a related product they may like more. Keep them in your store until they have found what they are looking for. Show a sign up form for your newsletter, to keep them informed about your special offers and to make sure they will keep your brand name in their mind. So, when they are ready to buy, they think first of visiting your store!

Good luck growing a hair line!

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How to keep your clients when the hair prices rise?

How to keep your clients when the hair prices rise?

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Did you receive the new pricelist of your hair vendor? Big chance now you understand the hair prices are rising significantly!

You feel it in your own wallet, all prices are rising, so not only the hair prices! How will you deal with this unexpected consequence of Covid-19? Last year we saw the first signs of the increase of the price of lace, thanks to a manufactory shortage in North Korea. But now also the raw material for wefts and bundles is showing an increase. The hair vendors tell me, they for see more increases of the hair price soon. That is no good news, what can you do about it?

This post will tell you how you can create a great pricing strategy and not only keep your clients, also to find new markets or products that might even increase your hair sales in times all hair gets more expensive.

Invest in the relation with your clients

Of course, you have always put the client at the first place, but when the hair prices rise the loyalty of your client might come under pressure. They also see the available money for buying hair is less, due to increased prices all over the board. Food is more expensive, energy prices rise, health cost and more to come. She will have to make decisions about how to spend her money. The most important action, that will not cost you additional money, is to invest in your clients. Contact them, engage with them, and see if you can find solutions to help.

There are a couple of solutions, some require additional money, but many are possible without you spending cash.

Check your refund policy

Now hair prices rise, it is the time to clean the dust from your refund and return policy and see how to make the customer interest the number one. Of course, without the risk you put yourself out of the hair business. Start with the language used, avoid your policy is only telling “all sales are final”. Use a more friendly wording. See below an example of a client friendly policy, that still protects your interests as a hair store.

“We launched this hair store because you deserve the best quality of affordable hair. When you are happy with the hair, we know we accomplished our mission.

There is a 100% no questions asked return policy of 30 days after the date of purchase when, despite our quality controls, you received the incorrect length, texture or color. Hair must be in the original state the same as it was sent to you. You are free to select the method of shipping for the return shipment, but we always recommend asking for a tracking number. We refund the shipping charges only when the hair you received is not in accordance with the original order. Any hair extensions that have been altered, washed, or worn in any way will not qualify to be returned. Our after sales team is always available to advice you about how to bring back the hair to the original condition, but for altered products (bundles are unwrapped / extensions have been worn) all sales are final.”

What do you think about that? You start with putting the interest of your client as your number one goal. That is what the client will see first and keep in mind. She will also understand in some circumstances you cannot accept returns.

Do the unexpected, share special offers

When the hair prices rise, nobody will expect to see lower prices. But when you have some hair you purchased before at a lower price, or when you have the budget to offer hair at a special price, do it. Negotiate with your hair vendor if needed to help you when you place a wholesale order. Make sure the offer is temporarily and your client is aware of this limited time. It shows you care about their wallet. Do not lower your prices to beat the competition but keep the prices at the required and profitable level and offer some extra discount.

New market

You might have your ideal client in a certain market segment, your special place on the hair market. But now the hair prices rise, it is a good moment to evaluate if there are other clients’ segments in need for your hair solutions. Perhaps you can find high earners like social media celebs, or in industries like tech that offers good salary. Use this moment to be innovative and search for new ideal clients.

Offer other payment solutions

Have you thought about payment plans, like Sezzle or Affirm? Or introduce a layaway plan, on which your client places a deposit on a hair product to “lay it away” for later pick-up when they are financially positioned to pay off the balance.

Clients might need more time to collect the money to buy hair, especially when the hair is more expensive. Offer them a payment plan that will allow them to buy the hair at today’s price level, without the risk for price increase in the future. Once they started with the plan, they will be loyal clients, also because you keep on investing in the relationship.

Review your shipping policy

You might offer free shipping now. The price for this service will lower your profit margin. Take these shipping expenses into account when you re calculate your new hair price. You could also offer the client free or lower shipping or courier charges as an option. Or keep your hair prices lower by charging for shipping. Consider reviewing the couriers you use, perhaps the national postal company is a cheaper solution, with one or two days more delivery days. Would that be acceptable for your client, to keep the hair price lower?

Minimum Order Quantity MOQ wholesale hair

When you also offer wholesale hair, you might have a MOQ to ensure clients really deserve to be considered as wholesale clients. Consider lowering your MOQ requirement. This will allow your wholesale hair clients to keep on buying your hair, but at a lower total order amount. Again, it shows you think of their interest and that will build loyalty towards your hair store.

Invest in the future

When possible, invest in the future, revamp your webstore, add additional services to your product offering, search for new innovative products you can develop in house.

Learn to understand your business better

Use tools like google analytics to create more insight in the behaviour of your clients. Optimize the flow of visitors through your webstore to find sales opportunities. What product page has the highest exits and what can you do to turn the exits into a sale? You have a ton of free data, use the rise of the hair prices to turn this into a more profitable webstore.

Keep an eye on other online hair stores

Select the hair stores that compete with you for the same ideal clients. What are the actions they take now the hair prices rise? Do not copy them. After all you are unique and that is what your clients like in you. Learn from their moves and do better.

Avoid surprises from the vendor when hair prices rise

Make sure your hair vendor informs you in time for price increases of the hair extensions and wigs. Avoid you only see the updated prices when you place a new order. That is too late because you might have some client orders for the hair already. Agree with your hair vendor they will inform you in time. Check their terms and conditions about hair prices.

If you do not feel secure about the communications from your hair vendor, schedule a regular check of the current hair prices. It is bad hair prices rise; it is even worse when you discover prices have changed too late.

Keep your clients when hair prices rise!

See what you can do with the suggestions above to deal with the higher prices of the hair. Keep on selling your hair and wigs for competitive prices. Remember, the purchase decision of your client is not fully driven by money, but also by the total value they will get in return of the amount paid. Better service, nicer hair, a great relationship are all elements that your client will consider when she wants to buy hair, your hair!

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Your hair store is the next victim of a cybercriminal

Your hair store is the next victim of a cybercriminal

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Have you ever thought your hair store can be the next example of a cybercrime? No?

What would you do if one day, after a long day selling hair and wigs, you want to enter your house, but the key does not fit any more? Whatever you try, the door does not want to open. You are tired, hungry and want to refresh yourself. But you simply cannot enter your own house. There is a little note on the floor, you pick it up and you read. “For usd 1,000 we will open the door for you, kind regards cybercriminals”.

You would be angry, scared and much more, but the longer you wait the more desperate you will feel. So, what do you do? Will you pay that money and hope you can enter your own house again?

Hopefully, this will never happen to you in real life, but the truth is it happens to many small businesses. Your business can be under attack any moment and you are not alone. 88% of the small business owners in the USA feel their business is vulnerable for an attack by cybercriminals. You all know about thieves stealing wigs and weaves, now there is another target, your data and access to your hair and wig businesses.

How will a cybercriminal enter your hair store?

True, cybercriminals do not knock on your door. You will not even see them coming or going. But for sure they will know how to find you. These thieves have enough others means to enter your business, or better your computers. Let see how they can enter your hair store to commit a cybercrime.

Arm Yourself Against Cybercrime


Malicious software, or malware, is a term that refers to software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer or computer network. Malware is usually installed unintentionally after the user has taken missteps. This user can be you, but also one of your staff members or family member with access to your computers. A well know trick is to add a link in an email. If you click on this malicious link, you by accident can download content from unknown or untrustworthy sources on your computer.


Viruses are harmful programs intended by the cybercriminal to spread from computer to computer (and other connected devices). In more technical terms, a computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the way a computer operates and is designed to spread from one computer to another. It works like Covid-19 and uses a host (a computer) to stay alive. A virus operates by inserting or attaching itself to a legitimate program or document that supports macros to execute its code. In the process, a virus has the potential to cause unexpected or damaging effects, such as harming the system software by corrupting or destroying data.


Ransomware is a specific type of malware that infects and restricts access to a computer until a ransom is paid. Ransomware is usually delivered by a cybercriminal through phishing emails and exploits unpatched vulnerabilities in software. This kind of attacks are used more and more, like for example in the meat industry or oil pipelines.  Not only the company attached but all clients and suppliers suffer from the attacks. Do not make the mistake to think you are too small to get the attention of a ransomware criminal. There are enough smaller, but not less painful ransomware for all of us.  Sometimes they only ask for usd 50 or usd 100 to undo the harm of locking your computer, small amount but is still a cybercrime.


Phishing is a type of cybercrime that uses email or a malicious website to infect your machine with malware or collect your sensitive information. Phishing emails appear as though they have been sent from a legitimate organization or known individual. These emails often entice users to click on a link or open an attachment containing malicious code. After the code is run, your computer may become infected with malware.

Regardless how the attack or tools to attack your hair and wig business are named, in all cases this kind of cybercrime will cause a lot of harm and stress and might even put you out of the hair business. Before we talk about how to avoid you will be under attack or how to mitigate the damage, let see what these cyber criminals can do to your hair store.

What damage can a cybercriminal do in your hair store?

When you cannot see the cybercriminals, how will you know they have attacked your hair store?

Too bad, sometimes it is obvious and sometimes you will only know when for example your back account shows unknown withdrawals.
There are some indications you can observe when your computer or computer system has been under attack:

Pop-up windows that frequently show up. Pop-ups might encourage you to visit websites you normally would not visit. They also might provoke you to download antivirus or other software programs. You get the message your anti-virus protection has ended, and you need to re-new now to keep you safe from malicious software! Very ugly because you will download not the protection but the virus! A classic case of a cybercrime.
Your homepage suddenly has been altered. Your hair store homepage may change to another website, for instance. Whatever you try, you will be unable to reset it back to the normal screen.
Mass emails being sent from your hair and beauty store email account. Your biggest nightmare. The email list with all your clients of your hair store, will suddenly be used to send emails in your name from another infected computer. Your clients will get a virus instead of your latest bundle deal! This cybercrime will also lead to reputational damage because your clients will believe you forwarded the mails.
Frequent crashes. A virus can inflict major damage on your hard drive, that is the disk in your laptop or computer with all the vital information, like the start-up protocol. This may cause your computer or tablet to freeze or crash. Or you might not be able to start the computer anymore.
Unusually slow computer performance. We all know over time your computer tends to be slower, but when this happens overnight this could be a signal that your computer has been infected by a virus or malicious software.
Unknown programs that start up when you turn on your computer. This can be visible for you when your computer automatically launches a program. Or you might notice it by checking your computer’s list of active applications and you see an unknown app.
Unusual activities like password changes. This could prevent you from logging into your business computer because your password has changed.

All these examples of cybercrime can occur, and it is important to be aware of any unexpected change off your computer device. Sometimes a small change can be the indicator a serious attack has taken place. Now what can you do to prevent your hair and beauty store will be out of business because you cannot access your files anymore.

What to do to protect your hair store against a cybercriminal?

There are two ways to protect your computers from attacks by a cybercriminal. The hygiene and the technical method.

Hygiene or organizational protection

Like washing your hands frequently helps to protect against a virus like the Corona virus, taking care of the proper hygiene will also protect the computer system of your hair store. How?

There are a couple of things to respect to keep your computer safe from a cybercrime:

    • Use antivirus- and antispyware and keep it updated

, a great way to protect yourself against a cybercriminal is to invest in a solid antivirus software program. Do not download any antivirus program, when you receive the message unsolicited. Make sure the updates are set on automatically.

    • Update all software

Make sure you keep all software and operating systems up to date. This will avoid cyber criminals will use a security bug to access your online hair store.

    • Keep your Wi-Fi-safe

Safeguard your Internet connection by using a firewall and encrypting information. If you have a Wi-Fi network, make sure it is secure and hidden. To hide your Wi-Fi network, set up your wireless access point or router so it does not broadcast the network name, known as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). Password-protect access to the router.

    • Strong passwords

. Use strong passwords, that are not easily to guess. Understand a cybercriminal uses software to search for your passwords. Change your passwords regularly and do not use one password for all your applications.

    • Multifactor authentication

If possible, use the two steps authentication, like a code that is shared to your phone or email. This requires for access the person to be in the same space as the devices.

    • Physical access

Do not allow everybody to use your computers. Prevent access or use of the computers of the hair store by unauthorized individuals. Laptops can be particularly easy targets for theft or can be lost, so lock them up when unattended. Make sure a separate user account is created for each employee and require strong passwords. Administrative privileges should only be given to key personnel.

    • Test

Test what will happen when your computer is not functioning anymore. What can you do to restore data and what devices you have as backup? How will you communicate this to your (key) customers and suppliers?

    • Do not install new apps

just for fun. There are many apps available but avoid installing apps you do not really need for your online hair business.

Technical solutions to protect against a cybercrime

Install an app or plugin to regularly create a back up of your systems and keep that backup at a safe place. Regularly back up the data on all computers. Critical data includes word processing documents, spreadsheets, databases, financial files, customer data, human resources files, and accounts receivable/payable files. Back up data automatically if possible, or at least weekly, and store the copies either offsite or on the cloud. If possible, also keep backups offline.

Payment processing. Work with your banks or card processors to ensure the most trusted and validated tools and anti-fraud services are being used. You may also have additional security obligations related to agreements with your bank or processor. Isolate payment systems from other, less secure programs and do not use the same computer to process payments and surf the Internet. This will also create trust for your clients, to know their online purchases will not lead cyber criminals on their path.

Close down devices when not in use. Every device has a timer to close the device when not in use. This avoids unauthorized access when you are not using the computer or phone.

Check if your hair store will be the next victim of a cybercrime

There are a couple of indicators that you should keep in mind to know if your hair store could be the next victim of a serious cybercrime.

    • Data

What is the data you keep on your computers, financial data, customer data including email and personal data, personal data? This kind of information is useful for a cybercriminal because they can use it to find more victims.

    • Online access customers

Do you use customer accounts for your hair store? When you allow your clients to login to your hair store criminals can use this “door” to access your system too.

    • Integrated systems

It can be very efficient to link your webstore, the bookkeeping and customer relation system all together. Avoids multiple access and keeps the data in one location. But at the same time this is a paradise for cyber criminals. Once they have access to your hair store, they can walk around without any problem.

    • Time

Do you have any idea how long you can keep your hair store open when it is under attack? If this period is limited to the same day or a couple of days, your really have an issue when your store is under attack.

Enjoy doing business

This post is not to make you depressed and to stop you doing business. Please keep on selling hair and wigs, but make sure you stay aware of the warnings. This will keep you in the hair business and your clients happy.

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Start Your Online Hair Store in 10 Steps

Start Your Online Hair Store in 10 Steps

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How to set up your online hair store ?

A lot of people have a dream to start their own online hair store. They dream to become the boss of their own hair business and to get a growing number of clients. Happy and loyal clients who return to their shop to buy new hair extensions, closures, and wigs repeatedly.

But having a dream is not enough to make things work, sometimes a dream will even be an obstacle to set up your own business, especially if you keep on dreaming. I learned this from the many emails and WhatsApp messages I received from enthusiastic and ambitious people who like to start their own online hair store but did not know where to start or how to proceed. This post will help you to turn your dream into reality, into your own successful hair business.


From Dream to your own online hair store, the steps

Start your business in 10 steps

This post will guide you in 10 steps to the day you will open your own online hair store. This can be a web shop selling hair extensions, wigs, hair products or beauty products. You can use this post for every online business that allows you to support your clients in getting the best hair and to feel and look good.
By dividing the whole process in 10 logical steps it is easier to succeed and not to give up. When you finished the previous step, the next step will be a logical follow up. I do not want to make starting a hair business to seem more difficult as it looks like when you have no experience yet. I realize in most cases the start of your online hair store is combined with another job, family and perhaps even a course to improve your skills. You should not lose focus on your current job while your hair business is not up and running yet. You do not want to risk your job for a dream that still has to materialize into a successful Ecommerce business.
The First step is all about your dream; you need to know if the idea of being a shop owner is only a little flirt or a real goal you want to achieve in life. The Second step is about the skill to listen the most important skill if you want to start a business. You need to understand what kind of hair your clients need. In Step Three The Interview with ideal clients will help you to prepare your first interview with people that might become your first clients. You need to be sure you know what your clients exactly are looking for.
In Step Four a brainstorm session will take place, I will allow you to dream again, but this time a dream with instructions. To enable you to digest all the lessons learned up till now. Step Five will be about Your competitors in the hair business, you will be surprised how much you can learn from other offline and online hair stores. Now you know enough for Step Six your Unique Selling Point for a hair business! You need to be different from the rest to be successful. When you are ready for Step Seven you will find the hair, you can start selling. Step Eight is about the best way to sell hair online. How are your clients going to find your shop, and how to make sales? I hope you look forward reaching Step Nine about how much profit you can make selling hair online and how to predict the future. To end with the best step of this post about the start of your online hair shop.

First Step – You have a dream!

¨I’m interested in starting up a business in selling human hair and lace frontals, but I’m stuck on where to start and what to look for. Help please¨

One dream is not enough to start selling hair

Just having a dream about your own hair extensions business is not enough for the decision to start an online business in real life. You do not want your dream to turn into a nightmare, because of bad preparation. If you have plans or ideas to do anything with selling hair, you need to analyze your thoughts and to understand the origin of these thoughts.

Why are you thinking about your own hair extensions business?

If the answer is because you had a bad day at work, or the traffic jam to the office was horrible today, then it is a good idea to relax and to distract your mind by daydreaming about your own wig shop. But the question is if these explanations are a solid ground to start your own hair business? And the answer is, No!

The story is different, if for quite some time, both on good and bad days, you are thinking of starting your own hair business. Opening your business should be nurtured by a desire to help people to succeed to find the best hair extensions, wigs, or other beauty products. Or, for example, when you have seen your best friend earning some extra money out of selling extensions and you like what she is doing too. Hair extensions should be your passion. If hair is your passion, it also will make it easier to work the extra hours. Your clients will notice your enthusiasm, and this helps a lot to sell your hair products with more persuasion. Are these good signs to start your own hair store? The answer is, yes!

Do you got what it takes to start selling hair?

Now please wake up and think well about your dream. Why do you have this kind of dreams? I mentioned it before, you should be certain to know this is not a spurt from a dark day in the office. Take some time and be honest with yourself. It is not only important to be sure you would like to start an online hair business, but you should also be convinced you have all the abilities needed to be your own boss. I refer to the knowledge, the experience, and the personal skills. What skills do you have to learn before you really know everything about doing business, clients, products, bookkeeping and so on? If you can try to free up time to [train yourself before you open your hair store], because once you are in business, the time and money to spent on training will be limited.

You can decide to follow a [course to learn about techniques for hairdressers], marketing and sales. You can also learn by some training on the job, you could offer a local store to work for them some time for free, just to learn some practical things, or you could start step by step with a first hair product offer selling from Facebook or Instagram.

Listen to others

Do not forget to ask your family or friends about their view on your commercial and business talents. It is always good to believe in yourself, but never forget to listen to the advice and feedback from others also.

One of the most important skills needed to start a business, or in life in general, is the talent to listen to others, it is so much easier to sell a product to somebody if this person is looking for it. But sometimes they do not know precisely what they are looking for. And this is not limited to the texture, length, density, or color of the hair extensions. This also includes features like the preferred way to pay for the hair, the most secure delivery provider, complaint handling etc. The next step will help you to improve your skills to listen.

Step Two – The capacity to listen

¨You can’t fake listening. It shows. ¨ Raquel Welch The hardest part of communication is not to tell the other person what you want to say. Most people like to share their point of view on things with as many people as possible. Therefor social media, like Facebook and Instagram, is such a success. The most difficult part is the skill to listen to the speaker. Not only to hear what the other is telling you, but also to understand; to really allow the words and body language of the speaker, to enter your brains. You need to focus on what the other is trying to explain to you.

If you can repeat in your mind what is being said, in your own words, you are sure you did listen well. Train yourself to try to find the main idea of the conversation, you can exercise when watching a television program, but also when you have a chat with your friends. What is this all about, what is the other person trying to tell you?

You must focus on what is being said, rather than allowing yourself to be diverted by your environment or allowing your mind to wander. Do not try to read messages on your iPhone while, pretending, to listen.

To be able to listen well, you should train yourself in this expertise. For example, how to separate the key message, from all the words that supports it. People are no computers, they use in their conversation, many different words and even body language to pass the message to you. They might even modify their arguments on the spot when they notice the other person seems not to agree with them. Make sure you understand what the other is telling you about her thoughts. Consider the feelings of the other person and allow her to finish talking.

When you want to give your response, take your time before you answer. Try to make it a custom to repeat in your own words what the other has said. This helps you to be sure you really understand the meaning of what the other person just told you. Make sure it will be natural, do not make the conversation feel like a job interview.

In your mind, do not start, formulating your own response until the other person is done, this will avoid you might miss critical information given away in the last sentences.

If you listen, keep your mind alert, and advance your listening expertise by asking yourself¨ Is the speaker saying something new I should know about? ¨ During the conversation, keep searching for and screening out worthwhile ideas you can use.

Beware of your posture and facial expression and look the other person in the eyes, without gazing of course. Communication is a game for two, so make sure the speaker feels you take her serious from the moment you said “Hello” to the time you say “Goodbye”!

There is nothing wrong in taking résumés, while listening, in fact it helps you to demonstrate to the talker your interest in what is being told. But avoid starting to make drawings as this is a clear sign you stopped listening.

It is good to practice your listening ability before you have your first interview with a potential client, or a loyal client. You do not want to miss the valuable information the client will share with you, especially as you are preparing to have this conversation with a small number of people who could share with you their opinion about the products and service of your competition and what they are looking when they need hair extensions .

Tip Always note the contact details of the person you had the talk with. Ask her permission to send her a newsletter when you launch your online hair store. Give her your business card for her, so she can reach out to you. Every contact can become a potential client or share her experience with others. It is practically free marketing for your online hair shop!
But how do you organize this gathering of information in a way that helps you to find the answer on your question, when will they start buying hair from me? With the next step I will explain this to you.

Step Three – What do you need to know about selling in your online hair store?

To get an extensive, but also objective picture, you need to talk with enough people. Objective, in the previous sentence, stands for not too much influenced by the opinion of one or two dominant persons about how the potential market of hair extensions looks like. You need to organize interviews; this is a more structured way of obtaining information than just a chat with somebody. It is needed because you like to gather feedback from the potential clients of your online hair store that allows you to compare and to draw a conclusion. The information you are going to get will help you to select what your Unique Selling Point will be, in other words, it will tell you where your competitors fail to make their clients happy. And that is an opportunity for you to attract a client or more!

Tip I recommend face-to-face interviews instead of online surveys. The reason is when you have an online hair business, you need to put a lot of effort in gaining the trust of your visitors. Buying hair on the internet is known for the high numbers of disappointed customers who bought hair and received very bad hair, or no hair at all. When you connect with people, by having this face-to-face interview, you can gain the trust of people who might become your first clients. When they leave a review, the first hurdle in gaining trust for your online hair store has been taken.

Tip It goes without saying, you should ensure you have an awesome hair style the day you meet the people for the interview. Talking hair is always a great topic, to break the ice.

Before you are going to talk with people, you need to prepare yourself by writing down what kind of information you are looking for. What are the most common issues clients face issues in the process of buying hair?
All issues around selling hair extensions and wigs can be clustered in a topic called

  • Product; what kind of hair is the client looking for?
  • Price; what price is the potential client willing to accept for the hair?
  • Place ; where and how will the client find you and get the hair extensions delivered?
  • Promotion; how do you communicate about the product to your potential customers

These elements of your hair offer are also known as the four marketing P´s the Marketing Mix. All these elements are linked and influence each other.

The preferred combination of the four P´s or Marketing Mix differs per person or group of individuals. For this, it is very important you know your client, not precisely every individual, but the client that represents your target group. This is called your Ideal Client, or buyer Persona.

Your ideal client will always buy hair from you

Your Ideal Client is a representation of the common characteristics, demographic background, needs, challenges and fears of the group of people that populate your niche on the hair market, it helps you to formulate your marketing messages, so you use the right words. Also, it will support you to find the right media channels you should advertise on or use as your own platforms.

Our all-one hair business package includes a template to create your own hair business Ideal Client, I recommend investing in this package to not only save you money and time, but also to avoid you must invent the wheel again, while a ready-made and well proven template is available.

What do you have to know about hair?

The aim of your interviews with the people in your market, is to get as many answers as possible on how your target group prefers the Marketing Mix. For this you can divide the questions you are going to formulate in four groups, every group should represent one of the P´s.

Product- Hair pieces

There are many different types of hair pieces, like extensions, wigs, frontals, … and different types of quality levels and variations. Think about human hair versus synthetic, origin of the hair donor, texture, production method (hand- or machine weft), and so on. Make sure you put in your interview enough questions about the product.
Tip. This insight will help you in the start of your business, when having enough cash could be a challenge, to limit the money you must invest in stock, while being able to at least have the hair pieces of preference at hand.

Price- Price/quality ratio of hair

Another major issue is the price. As the competition is fierce in this industry, many shops and hair salons use the price to distinguish themselves. Clients also use the price as their main selection criteria, especially online when the price is most often the only element one can compare between different online hair stores. There is always a relation between price and quality. Human hair does justify another price range then synthetic extensions. So, if your client tells you, they always like to pay the lowest price, you also need to get more insight in the type and quality of the extensions they prefer.

Tip There is no hair police, this leave everybody selling hair online free to name and grade the hair they are selling. Everybody can sell any hair as Brazilian Body Wave grade 9A, only the final customer will notice the difference after receiving and installing the hair. Make sure the product description on your online hair store is clear.

Place – How to ship the hair

How does the customer find your online hair store? What is an acceptable time of delivery? Do they want to come to a physical hair shop to buy or do they prefer to have the extensions shipped to their home or work address? All kind of questions you must think about when it comes to place. Ask your potential clients for their preferences.

Promotion – What to tell the market about your hair

This element is Key because it will help you to understand through which media channels, and how, the potential clients would like to be informed about your product offering.

  • Are they active on social media and.
  • if so which one, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok?
  • are they visiting certain events where your client would love to be able to purchase the extensions.
  • also how should you wrap your hair extensions; will a brown paper bag be sufficient, or do you need a luxurious and sealed plastic envelope?

Organize the questions of your hair market survey

Take your time to think about the questions of the market survey and try to link the questions and possible answers in advance. As all the four P´s are interlinked, if you decide to go for a low price, the delivery time but also the promotion budget will be influenced.

The next action will be to organize the questions on a piece of paper or on your tablet. The four P´s will be the main categories and you only must distribute the questions over the most relevant ¨P¨ (Product, Price, Promotion or Place)

It is also very helpful to get some insight in the priorities your target group puts between the various choices. You would be surprised the number of people who want everything:

  • cheap,
  • direct available,
  • in all colors and
  • with a 100% no question asked return policy,

but they should help you to prioritize their wishes, if not everything is possible at the same time.

To whom are you going to talk hair?

Finally select the people you would like to approach with the questionnaire for your hair market survey. Make sure the group is not too small, you should at least interview 20 people or more to get a representative group of potential clients and thus feedback. Make sure they are not only your friends or relatives, to keep the results as objective as possible. Incase you have doubt about the results, expand the group of participants to see if you will get more similar answers on your questions.

Tip Even if you did not ask them to participate in your hair market survey, tell your friends they are always welcome to buy your hair, or you can organize a hair extensions party for them.

Again, do not forget this interview is also a great excuse to introduce yourself and your ¨open soon¨ Ecommerce business to a new audience. Make sure the people you interview will remember you and why wouldn´t you give them a small gift (with your name and contact details) as appreciation for their time and help. Great chance they might be your first customers!

Step four- from feedback to action

Imagine you just returned from the shopping mall, or the fashion and beauty event and you have 35 questionnaires, filled in thanks to your potential clients. Tired of listening and not speaking too much.

Before you can rest. the best thing to do is to organize the answers. For example, by making groups of the answers you received as feedback on the questions.

  • how many people prefer a low price in combination with concessions on the quality?
  • does everybody prefer hand weft? Or
  • does nobody accept a delivery time of more than two working days if they buy online?


Depending on the questions you prepared you should be able to get a high, medium, and low score for every question. A score is the number of answers you get. As you grouped your questions per Product, Price, Place and Promotion you will be able to quickly see what kind of preferences your target group has on the four P´s. Congratulation is thanks to the various questions you know can better interpret the preference of your clients!

Dream time again!

Check the overview once more and now it is time to daydream again. Yes, it is allowed to daydream because you are your own boss! This time you can dream of using all the ideas, complaints, suggestions, and preferences of your target group. What do they really like, what upsets them, how much are they willing to pay, and so on? Every now and then make some notes, this will free your mind for new suggestions, but also ensure you will not forget anything that just popped up in your mind.

Realize for example that the complaints of your clients about the existing web shops or salons is very useful information to think on items you can do better. Or you should work on to do better than the other online hair stores. In this phase you should not start to put things into action yet and to try to solve the problems. Remember you are still dreaming, and everything is possible, so only think in potentials. This will generate a lot of ideas that you can write down for every P.

Turn the notes into action

If you finished dreaming, or just want to start to work on all the ideas and suggestions it is time to start in a more productive position. Open your laptop and organize the notes. Now you will have a list for every P of client wishes and your ideas to make these wishes become reality.
Now you can analyze if your solutions will really work and at what price. Do not forget you started this online hair business to make money. Do not fall in the pitfall to think all your competitors make mistakes, price their products too high or sell the wrong hair on purpose. It is good to do some research on them. Now comes the fun part, because you must shop around, perhaps even purchase some extensions and talk a lot with all these people who some time ago started their own hair extensions business also. Visit their hair store online and check the feedback from your potential clients. Make sure you try to get an answer, why they:

  • operate the way they do,
  • have that menu structure on their website
  • use a pop up sign up form for their newsletter (subscribe to learn in time about their special offers)
  • charge that price or
  • use a specific courier.
  • Now you can talk but be sure you never forget to listen. And make notes so you will not forget anything, as these lessons will help you to organize your business in a way your clients will like it.
  • Step Five the Competitors of your online hair store

    Today we are going to shop, not to buy a lot of hair extensions, but to investigate how other web shops, beauty salon and boutiques operate. You already started to get an idea of how the other hair stores operate in the previous step, but now you take a deep dive. Learn from the best and the worst hair stores online!

    For this purpose, you can prepare a list with issues you would like to understand, organized again around the four P´s and enrich your questions with the issues and possible solutions you came up with when you did step four. Today you are going to understand why other shops sometimes fail to make their clients happy and how you can benefit from this.

    Do not limit your research to online hair stores

    Although it is possible you only want to start a hair web shop, it is better not to focus only on similar types of outlets. Sometimes it can be rather inspiring to understand how another type of outlet operates and to adapt their method of operating or commercialization in your outlet. This so-called thinking out-of-the-box allows you to come with original ideas that has not yet been used in a specific type of business.

    Create online test checklist

    The easiest and quickest way is to start behind your desk and to visit online hair stores and Facebook business pages. Check out:

    • how they organized their online hair store
    • the type and variation of products they sell
    • do they use social share buttons
    • how is the onsite search feature working
    • do they offer payment options like sizzle or affirm so clients can buy on credit?
    • do they show client reviews or testimonials, to gain trust in their hair products
    • the price and payment methods and
    • do not forget their return policy.

    Make a list with your findings and check at least 10 or more websites or pages. Pay attention on the issues raised by your target group and if you have the budget (or if the return policy allows you to return the hair extensions) place an order to purchase some hair.

    Try to understand the differences in price, products, distribution method and promotion and if possible, try to call the owner to have a chat. Why are they using specific solutions, what is their motivation for not having a of a return policy, the reason they do not sell specific hair types etc. But beware the shop owner might have reasons to color his answers, so you always need to cross check the answers yourself.

    Try to rank the shops in best, medium and not good and compare their performance on the four P´s. This again will help you to select the items you can improve to have a better performance than the existing shops.

    Visit some salons to get ideas

    A similar method you can use if you do some field research by visiting some hairdresser’s or salons that sell hair extensions. Investigate the way they operate, how the hair is shown and how they interact with their clients. Check their promotion material, do they use flyers, brochures, calendars etc. and how do they connect with their customers?

    It´s not enough to know your client, you should also know your competitors as they will be a main source of new clients if you do better than them and you succeed to communicate this to your potential customers. You will only get clients when your Unique Selling Point (UPS) outperforms your competitors. As now you have enough knowledge about your market, we will define your USP in the next chapter.

    Tip It is all about the experience. It is important to \keep in mind, your clients do not need strands of hair. They want to look and feel good and part of that feeling you should give them with the perfect shopping experience. Do not make the survey and spying on your competitors as a technical exercise, learn how and where you can improve the shopping experience.

    Step Six Define your Unique Selling Point (USP)

    As the word Unique implies, your Unique Selling Point stands for anything in your product offering that is unique and helps customers to save time when they want to buy hair extensions, because they already know where to go to (in your online hair store!).
    Simply because if you succeed to make clear your hair extensions and wigs are different, better, or cheaper than the rest, you will stand out from the competition and the client will be yours! Make sure your USP can be quickly picked up by your potential customers. For example, by putting your USP in one clear sentence and use it in all your communications with your client.

    For example:
    ¨Give women the ability to maintain a healthy financial life without sacrificing their beauty and personal style¨ or ¨We strive to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations¨.

    But how do you identify your Unique Selling Point?

    The good thing is, as a start-up hair business, you can choose from the wish list of your target group you prepared on step Four. Start with the hair pieces with the greatest potential, because most people from your target group referred to this type of hair.

    The wish list will give you a great overview of all the benefits your clients are looking for when buying hair. Some benefits are more important than the others, for example if your customers prefer a low price but also a broad offering of colors you should be able to rank one benefit as more important than the other. Using the feedback of the interview will help you to prioritize this.

    After this you will have a wide-ranging list of benefits your potential clients are looking for and the priorities they consider when they must choose between these benefits. With the lessons learned from your visits to the various online hair shops and hair salons you will be able to consider if these benefits are offered by the competition and at what kind of level of quality or price. This overview will show you which benefits, your target group is looking for or is not serviced or provided by the competitors or provided at an unsatisfactory level.
    The last thing to do with this list is to highlight the weak spots of the competitors.

    Your challenge and your gain of clients will depend on the fact if you can beat the competitors by offering the benefits they do not offer or at a level below your client’s expectations.

    For this you should see if you can beat them on price by buying cheaper from your hair vendor or to work at lower expenses. For example, to work from home.

    To have a USP is not enough, the people interested to buy your products need to know your USP also. Make sure you communicate your USP very clear in every interaction with your target clients. A good idea could be to think of a slogan for your hair and beauty company, a one liner that you print on your business card, website, Facebook business page and in the conversations with your clients.

    Step seven The Hair! Your Products

    If you want to start an online hair store, you are already very much aware of all the aspects and fashion trends of hair extensions and wigs. This step will not be about hair extensions in all the various textures, production, or bonding methods. This will be about how you market your hair extensions as the need of your clients they want to satisfy.

    Know your product

    We would like to advise you to make sure you know the hair you are going to sell. Fix it, wear it, wash it, lose the weaves, and see how it responds over time. Only then you will be able to advice your clients about the hair. When your client has some complaints, you will be able to analyze more better what might have happened and what might have caused it and the most important lesson, how to solve it!

    The products that you are selling, the hair extensions, wigs, and closures, are in fact the need or desire of your client to look good, to look different than on another occasion. If your client is happy with the hair extensions, it is because she feels good! She is less interested in the way the hair is manufactured or shipped from Brazil or India to your shop. So instead of a product you should see the hair extensions as a need-satisfying offer to your client.

    As hair extensions are a beauty product, you are not only selling the weft, but also the service of giving advice and sometimes fixing the hair. But you might also deliver supporting material like conditioner or specific soap to maintain the hair. Your clients will ask for it.

    Although hair extensions are becoming more and more a convenience product, your clients like to take the time to compare, feel and try the looks. Most people will not buy the hair in an impulse, but only after they are sure the extensions will make them look good. For this it is key to know your client will, before the purchase of the hair, spent a lot of time to compare the offer from other shops, especially if they are buying for the first time. This can be up to seven times! To avoid your clients are only comparing on price, you need to emphasize on your Unique Selling Point.

    If you are not selling on price only, it is good to offer something extra, as your client will expect this. More information about the maintenance or the possible hair styles, a 100% money back guarantee or free shipping. The hair extensions can be used in different ways, some people might buy wefts to sew them direct in their hair, others use wefts to cut them in pieces and to attach clip-ins.

    So, when thinking of the product your interview with your clients will become of use again. You need to know where your clients want to use the extensions for, are they using them to make clip ins, are they going to dye the hair? It could also help you to suggest some new features they did not know about before, but that could help satisfying their needs in a better manner.

    Another important issue is if you sell real human hair, the origin of this hair is a natural donor and therefor it is impossible to reach 100% perfect reproduction of the desired hair. The natural hair extensions may vary in color, length, wave, and availability from a previous shipment.

    The price of the product, and availability are issues to consider when selling this in your online hair store. It is very unpleasant if you finally got a customer for some nice real human hair and your supplier just ran out of stock. This risk will not occur in case of synthetic hair, as these are manufactured.


    The way you present the hair in your online store is also very important, not only to protect the hair extensions when presented to the clients and later when shipped to the final purchaser.

    To add some extra value, to communicate to the client your Unique Selling Point. Do not underestimate the importance of the bag you want to put the hair extensions in. That bag is your business card and tells the friend of your client directly where to go to if they want to look as great as their friend with her newly purchased curly extensions. You can also use the packaging to inform your clients this product is new, a new line of hair extensions and be honest who does not like to buy a product that just recently was introduced to the market.

    Brand name for your online hair store

    If you create a brand name, you help your clients to discover you easier between all these suppliers of hair extensions. And make sure your brand is linked with your Unique Selling Point. If your clients bought your brand before and your product satisfied their needs, they will, without the urge to compare again, buy your brand again. Using a brand name will encourage clients to repeated buying and it will lower your costs as you need to invest less time and money in selling the product to your clients.

    How to find a catchy hair brand name

    Tip Of course you need to earn that your clients prefer your brand over the others, just to select a name to your products will not be enough. So, invest in, again, your Unique Selling Point.

    Step eight Location, location, location, also online

    Even if you have the best product, in quality and in price, but when nobody knows about it, not one person will buy.

    Although in the age of Internet and courier services the location seems to be less of importance, it remains an essential factor. Not in the least as the clients should be able to meet you and find your shop on the internet.

    Find a hair store thanks to referrals

    People use more and more different strategies to find the hair and beauty products they need. Google, nut more and more YouTube, the yellow pages, visiting a shopping mall etc. To find a shop selling hair extensions near you is not that difficult. When you use Google, you will find thousands of online hair stores in a matter of less than a second. But people want to be sure the shop is trustworthy, so the most important source for people remains referrals. If you are in need for good quality hair you talk about it, and this can be in real life or through social media. And then your friends or contacts will suggest you, based upon their experience a place to buy the products.

    Your clients will tell others about your hair brand

    You should put a lot of effort to have your shop been found by potential clients. And even then, just to be seen on the internet is not enough, people should also have a good feeling. So, more important than a good location, is a good relationship with every visitor that succeeded to enter your shop. Regardless of if this visitor will purchase hair extensions, they have your shop, your brand and your USP in the back of their mind when they leave your shop. They are your ambassadors, so even if they do not buy anything today, respect them and remember good chance they might come back!

    How to be found online

    When you design your online hair store, you need to think of how your ideal client will find you online. This means,

    • write appealing product descriptions, use the right keywords your Ideal clients use when searching for the hair
    • create a menu structure to allow the search engines and your clients to find what they are looking for in the most efficient way
    • think of technical SEO, this is the right structure of the text you use, alt text for the images, using filenames that explain the content of the image
    • use your social media to promote your web store
    • share your expertise in a blog post, use enough words and images to tell the story
    • design a website that loads fast, so users on mobile will enjoy landing and visiting your web store.
    • visit your web store regularly to see for broken links, the call to actions you placed and the message your visitors will see the first time they land on a page.

    Online hair store but also offline

    If you sell hair online, you have the choice to offer your clients a pickup service or to ship the hair extensions. Take your time to select and compare the various post and courier services. It is not only the price of the shipment that matters, but also the information they provide to track your shipment and the reliability of the communicated time of arrival of your parcels. If the mail has a delay, big chance the client will blame you for that, although this is of course completely out of your control. An appreciated service is to share the tracking information with your client, this will reassure them the shipment they paid for is on its way.

    Now you know

    • what your clients want
    • what you are going to do better than the competition,
    • how you will promote the product
    • how you will wrap it and
    • how people will find your online hair store

    Everything in line with your Unique Selling Point . But before you can open your shop or salon you need to sit behind your desk again. It is time for some mysterious work, you are going to predict the future!

    Step nine – Time to predict the future

    Do not forget the bookkeeping

    First, you should do what you are good at and that is selling hair extensions. But you are also responsible for your bookkeeping and tax return, so you need to invest some time to study about these topics. You can, if the money allows it, hire a bookkeeper for the operational side of accounting and the tax return, but you should be able to understand at last the basic rules. You should know your figures to avoid surprises. These rules differ per country, so check with your local chamber of commerce.

    Think one step ahead selling hair

    Next to this, you should be able to start developing something that predicts the future. If you foresee an increase in potential clients soon, or even better if you know the hair products potential buyers are interested in you can anticipate. You will be able to influence this potential buyer by special actions, coupons or anything that might influence their purchasing behavior.
    And you can adapt your plans to buy certain type of hair and avoid too much stock of hair extensions that perhaps will not be bought for a long time.

    Use your Store Data

    How to make this work? As mentioned before, in general, people review a product or visit a store seven times before they buy something. So, the client that bought the ¨Natural Color Hand weft hair extensions¨ today, has been checking them seven time before, perhaps not only in your shop, but there is a good chance she has been reviewing you and your shop before.
    Thanks to the internet, thanks to tools like Google Analytics and the analytical page of Facebook you will be able to learn what kind of products, items published on your website and postings on Facebook attract people and the ones that does not. With Google analytics for example you will be able to see what parts of your website or web shop attracts the attention of most visitors, you will also be able to see, over time, the cities your visitors come from, what webpage is interesting for them and what makes them leave your site right away (bouncing). You are even in the position to see exactly which specific products is the most favorite even if it is not bought.

    Analytics will also allow you to see how many new and returning visitors are visiting your online hair store. If people do not return, your product offering needs some rethinking. If you have a high percentage of returning visitors but low level of sales, you should check the price level from the competition. Your hair is attractive, and people like to review your products, but your conditions (price, shipping, payment) might be a hurdle to buy.

    If you regularly take note of this kind of information, next to your sales figures, you are building up a great knowledge of the behavior of your clients. And with this knowledge you will be able to predict their behavior if you promote a certain article, or if another event occurs. You will be able to predict the future!

    This kind of predictions only work if you have a longer time of observations and significant number of visitors. So be careful in interpreting this data if you just started with your web shop. You need some time to get reliable and sufficient information you can work with.

    And now you are ready, time for the last step!

    Step Ten – Open for business!

    Finally, after all the preparation, it is time to tell the world you opened your online hair store. Make sure the world knows and organize a great event to celebrate the opening. People should speak about that new hair shop in town. And do not forget to let me know so I can help you to let the world know, through the website and social media platforms!

    You know who your clients are, you know what you do better or cheaper than the competition and you can predict the future. This should be the key to success.

    Yes, but… there are more steps to take to grow your online hair store.

    As the market changes, as people change, the trends evolve over time you must repeat all these steps every now and then. You should, except for selling you hair extensions keep on listening to your clients. Especially with the client who had a complaint or that you have not seen for a long time. Keep an eye on the market and keep on inventing new Unique Selling Points.

    I wish you good luck and I would love to hear from you how your online hair store is going on! I will support you! Check the products we offer to help you.

    Go for your clients boyfriend and sell more hair

    Go for your clients boyfriend and sell more hair

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    You want more sales, just go for your clients’ partners!

    The internet is full of guys looking for awesome gifts for their partners. It could be a gift for her birthday, Valentine, or another special day. They are searching for a gift that will show his girlfriend, fiancée, or wife, how much he cares about her. A gift that will show he took the time and effort to look for the best for her. But where to find such a unique present? He will not know where to search for and might end up with a towel to dry the dishes. That will hurt! You know he can do better, and you have the solution.

    Benefit from his interest and make sure on your website you offer these poor guys to help. Make it an extra service to help them to select the hair their girlfriends want. In a way you could become their personal shopper! And you will sell more hair.

    The 5 steps you must take!

    How to make sure, on his quest for the best gift for his lady, he will land on your webstore? Here are 5 tips to use.

    1. Place a banner on your home page that makes it clear you offer special help for men looking for gifts for girlfriends!
    2. Adapt the key words or meta tags you use and include search terms like a present for my girlfriend, romantic gifts my wife, gift my wife, etc.
    3. Do not forget to use social media accounts men like to use; like sites about cars, movies and sports and offer your service to find the most romantic gift.
    4. Offer a special service depending on the season, what about a Valentine Shopping Service, or Christmas spouse service and help them in their decision making process. Let these guys know what women want! You will quickly find out, the time you invest in this extra service will be rewarded with new and loyal clients
    5. Finally if they still are still afraid to buy the extensions, consider offering gift cards! So, she can spend his money in your hair and beauty shop.

    Ask for his phone number!

    Do not forget to ask for his phone number, or better email address. Create a special newsletter that will target men around Valetine and Christmas, a small reminder can do miracles for your hair sales.

    How to start selling hair and wigs in New York

    How to start selling hair and wigs in New York

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    how to start selling hair in New York
    Update, original Nov, 18 2016

    RPZL New York

    You need inspiration on how to start selling hair in New York? What about the story of two girls.

    Co-founders Monica Thornton and Lisa Richards met in New York City, and were determined to find a way to save time and money on world-class hair extensions. Together, they fixed the glaring holes in this explosive market. By applying cutting-edge technology to beauty, they introduced a revolutionary process, which decreased application time while improving both quality and accessibility to this transformative experience.

    Naturally, they were determined to provide a gorgeous environment, offering industry-leading customer service to showcase their technological accomplishment. It’s a new kind of service for a new kind of girl, including NYC’s best stylists bringing back better blowouts. How did they know? They’re girls! They wanted it too!


    Another great NY store to learn how to treat your client well

    Barry Hendrickson’s Bitz-n-Pieces is not only a fabulous full-service salon in Manhattan New York. Barry is also a source of inspiration for start ups. You want ideas for a great a shopping experience? Barry knows how to make his clients feel like a queen. His salon is state-of-the-art, from its marble and glass, ultra-modern décor to the very latest up-to-the-minute innovations from the world’s leading wig designers. Bitz-n-Pieces does not simply sell and service wigs and hairpieces. Everything is under the professional guidance of a team of specialists who are available to maintain, clean, and restyle your wigs and hair pieces overnight if need be. How awesome that is. Taking care of your client’s wig, while she is asleep!

    Bitz-n-Pieces offers custom & ready-to-wear pieces in 100% natural hair or synthetic, fantasy pieces, and medical. Clients facing chemotherapy and the resultant loss of hair visit our compassionate and highly skilled team with the recommendation of many leading oncologists and clinics all around the country. The services also include coloring, perming, ventilating handwork, custom repairs, and anything else a queen rightfully deserves!

    It is the vision of Barry Hendrickson, whose superb techniques and inventiveness have brought him a loyal and grateful clientele, including many of the most celebrated names in showbiz and the music industry. Visit his shop, online or pay a visit to Manhattan, to get inspired, or leave your wig behind for a refreshing hair job!

    start selling hair and wigs in New York

    Hair Extensions NYC

    Hair Extensions NYC

    While other companies provide less than 20 color options, Hair Extensions NYC offers over 400 color combinations, for women with single tone shades, highlights, lowlights or multi-tonal shades. Hair Extensions NYC are hand sewn and custom-made for the perfect match, making them virtually undetectable, creating a completely flawless, continuous and natural look. More extension strands and more hair pieces mean more volume and thickness even for women with the shortest, finest hair.
    Other companies provide clip-on hair pieces that are attached in only or two locations on the head or are composed of single strands, making the hair extensions highly detectable, heavy and uncomfortable. Hair Extensions NYC extensions are designed to be strategically placed in different locations on the head, making them virtually undetectable and weightless, creating a perfectly-blended, more luxurious natural look — even for women with short or fine hair.

    Get inspired how to start selling hair in New York

    What the best hair stores show above the fold to get more sales

    What the best hair stores show above the fold to get more sales

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    To get more sales, the first impression of your hair store is key. Most visitors of your store will land on your homepage. What they will see in their screen is called above the fold. So, it is important to learn what the best hair stores show above the fold.

    In this post I want to share some screen shots from a couple of the best hair stores. The screen shot was taken from the section above the fold when using a mobile device. Most visitors of hair stores use their mobile devices to search for the best hair and beauty stores. What you learn from this post, you can use to improve the first impression your ideal client will have when she lands on your hair store. And to get more online sales.

    Conversion Rate Optimization for your hair store

    Of course, you go for the sale, but in fact every little step on your webstore is important. Mainly because, how awesome it might be, most visitors of your hair store will not buy right away. They will need to pay multiple visits before they buy those Raw Vietnamese Closure plus bundles. Every little step she takes on your site counts; a sign up for a newsletter or a visit to your hair collections values. All these steps value because they all will bring her closer to getting those gorgeous looks with your Vietnamese hair!

    All these steps are called conversions and the rate is the success factor. The more steps your ideal client is making, the higher the Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). All you must do is to analyse the steps visitors take on your webstore. Do they follow the path closer towards the shopping cart or not? There are multiple factors to improve the CRO, and today we focus on the first impression. The visit to your home page.

    The home page

    Okay, if you have a store in the mall, the first people would see is your front window. They would see those wigs and hair extensions, so gorgeous and difficult to resists. The same happens when they land on your home page, they will see, on the mobile device, your hair store. Now what will they see? Take your mobile and visit your own hair and beauty store and note what you see.

    Now, compare your own store with these four example stores, check with what the best hair stores show above the fold. We are going to visit Indique Hair, with their flagship collection of Indian hair. Followed by Yummy Hair extensions who invites you to their spring selection, US Hair with a June offer and finally Darling hair telling your what the hair will give you confidence!

    Indique above the fold on mobile
    Yummy above the fold on mobile
    UShair above the fold on mobile
    Darling above the fold on mobile

    You only have a few seconds to react

    Okay if you would have only 3 seconds to look at the home page, what did you see?

    • Did the hair draw your attention?
    • Did the home page make you curious and do you want to know more?

    You only have a few second to convince your ideal client she should now scroll or click to see more hair pieces, for this you only have a few square centimetres. Do not make her bounce away! Not an easy task, but also interesting enough to work on. If you succeed people will enter your store and you can guide them to the shopping cart. You fail and you can have the best bundle deal imaginable, but nobody will see.

    Some tips to improve

    You know your Ideal client best, so you know what she is looking for, but some general tips.

    • Show the solution your client is looking for, not a hair bundle but the experience of how it feels to wear your hair
    • Less is more, keep the info limited. Too much info will cause stress and your goal is to make her life easy, right?
    • Put a clear call to action, guide her straight to your best collection
    • You have good news, tell her. Free shipping or same day delivery? Put it on the top banner

    There are some different ideas if the call to action should be above the fold or not. But in fact, what is most important is you have a value proposition for the visitor that will within 3 seconds convince the visitor it is a smart idea to hang around a little bit longer on your hair store. Part of that can be a CTA to a collection with raw hair because that is what she is looking for.

    What are you going show above the fold?

    Now, improve your homepage by looking at it as a first-time visitor, would you want to scroll down, or click on the CTA? When you need help from a pair of eyes that has never seen your store before, or you want to change your webstore and do not have the expertise. Hire me as a coach to help you out and to design a home page that will get the attention and invite people to scroll down to see your beautiful hair!

    Use Instagram Advertisements, but not for the whole world

    Use Instagram Advertisements, but not for the whole world Instagram and beautiful hair are the perfect combination. But you should not use Instagram...

    Selling Hair Google Search Console helps!

    Selling Hair Google Search Console helps! If you are selling hair Google Search Console is probably the last you think of to boost your hair sales. Google Search Console, yet, tells you exactly how your beauty and hair solutions show up in Google search. What is...

    6 Great ways to fail your hair business, so do not do this at home!

    You work hard to get the best hair extensions for your shop and you spend a lot of time to find clients, but sometimes your business is still not growing. We made a short list of 6 more practical issues that support the above mentioned main reasons. In many cases a non performing hair business suffers from (plus a tip to improve this):
    1. Has insufficient capital, no clear use of cash flow projections
    2. Is located on a poor location, you cannot be found by visitors that will actually buy from you. This applies both for brick and mortar salons and shops and for online hair shops. Figure out where your clients are, for online this is take into account not only information on hair extensions, but get noticed around topics like beauty or pets.

    Hair Extensions in South Africa a good prospect only a few grab

    Hair Extensions in South Africa a good prospect only a few grab

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    Domestic hair consumption South Africa picked 21% up in 2020

    Hair prices in South Africa allow stores to get high profit margin

    Selling hair is a business that survives all economic ups and downs, the recovery during the Pandemic is a new proof. When you look for a stable business with still enough growth opportunities, I recommend to start your own hair business in South Africa.

    Based upon the trade data from the United Nations, the national demand is increasing for hair, wefts, wigs and hair extension in South Africa. With 2017 as reference year, the demand for hair was $ 39,6 million (purchasing price). This dropped to $ 33,5 million in 2018 to an even lower demand in 2019 ($30,4 million). However in 2020, the year that saw the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic there was a 21%, or 6 million increase making 2020 a top year with an domestic demand of hair in South Africa.

    The report from World is One, India’s first global news network, about the hair market in South Africa confirms the growth prospects for this business. In other countries one can see a recovery of the hair demand in 2020 followed by a further increase in 2021. For South Africa this means selling hair is a business with a bright future. It is clear, there is a clear growth of demand for hair extensions in Africa and especially South Africa.

    Hair Business opportunities in South Africa

    Thanks to Google it is possible to zoom in on the specific hair pieces South Africans are searching for. The last 5 years, braids are the absolute number one search term. Companies like Darling hair do benefit from this need, and resellers of braids, or companies offering similar brands can benefit too.

    Surveys from Google trends show areas like Northern Cape and Gauteng and Western Cape show this evolution, of the demand for braids.


    Are you going to compete on price?

    In this growing market it is important to position yourself right. You need to understand the prices for hair extensions in South Africa. If your unique selling point is the price, low price. It will be very difficult to increase your selling price later. Your brand will be identified with cheap and you will need to generate a significant growth of turnover to stay profitable.

    To understand the prices for hair extensions in South Africa, you can visit some online hair stores.

    For example, Hair City , South Africa’s leading Hair & Salon Destination, as they introduce themselves and designed with Shopify. They offer X-pression ultra braid for R 52, Freetress synthetic Cuban Twist Braid for R 150 and ahead band wig for R 2000. Plus for certain areas they have next day delivery.

    Another store, also designed with Shopify, is Style Diva. Since 2011 they launched over 20 stores in and are still counting. A clear evidence the hair business in South Africa has growth potential. Their prices are for the X-pression ultra braid for R 58, Brazilian mid part lace front wig R 1,849. Many of their wigs were sold out at the time of the visit, while wigs are very much in demand.

    Focus on specific products, like wigs?

    Another position you can consider is to offer high quality hair, extensions and wigs, rather unique in the market and people will identify your shop with knowledge and expertise. Do not underestimate the need for wigs. More and more women discover the comfort of wigs. Although interest is still less than extensions in this segment you can really differentiate your shop from the rest of the market. Be aware wigs are very popular in the United States and they are flooding into the United Kingdom. If you are ahead of the market, people will come to you once they are interested too in getting their own (lace) wigs.

    Be unique and grow your hair business

    Be sure, to stay focused, once you decided what your unique selling point is, a discount shop or the best wigs shop in south Africa continue to broadcast this message in through your website, social media and when you organize an events.

    There is growth and room for your store in South Africa. Are you ready to start? <strong>Try the free Shopify trial to grab this business opportunity!</strong>

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